tastessssssss like?????

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Active Member
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Maidstone, kent
good evening fello piss heads :drunk: :drink: :drunk: :drink: :drunk: lol

does anyone no of a beer kit that is similar tooooooooo


old specled hen


oh and a bit of the old wife beater (stella) :whistle:
tom_kent said:
good evening fello piss heads
Good evening Tom :cheers:

tom_kent said:
does anyone know of a beer kit that is similar tooooooooo


old speckled hen


oh and a bit of the old wife beater (stella) :whistle:
Strange question :wha:

I've got an AG recipe which is similar to (but probably better than) Speckled Hen.
I could probably find out about Spitfire as I know a Shepherd.

I don't brew l*g*r but there is a forum member who brews C*rl*ng :sick:
the beater is for the bother in law and the snarling is for the farther in law. i havent brewed anything before so i think my best bet would be to have my first stab at in by kit form (alot less i can mess up :lol: ) i rely rely rely wanna do a propper brew from 100% scratch :grin: :clap: it would be like my child lol is it hard? (to get right)
31bb3 said:
Go on then Moley, give us the recipe for Speckled Hen ?
It's in Wheeler's “British Real Ale” book.
Pale, crystal and black malts, a bit of sugar, Challenger and Goldings. Dead easy :thumb:
What is the vest kit out there for taste? I have a big thin for old spec hen, is there a kit that will give a simmiler drink? Cheers
tom_kent said:
What is the vest kit out there for taste? I have a big thin for old spec hen, is there a kit that will give a simmiler drink? Cheers
No, as far as i know there isnt. Your best bet is as prolix says, get your self a Wherry kit. Easy to make as you do not need to add any sugar to it.
Then once you have a couple of three kit brews under your belt, i would suggest moving on to extract or even AG brewing.
Can someone give me the out lines or brewing ag pls. As I said I would rely like to have a go at it :-) what kit do I need and how hard is it to get right? Where can a source hops from? I live in Kent so tbh it should be easy but I can't say I have ever seen em just growing country lol if I went to the hop farm do u think they would hand some over lol.

Where about in Kent are you?

I am in Tonbridge and brew AG on a 10 gallon plus set up if you want to sit in on a brew.

I am in Maidstone fella and yeah that would be awsome mate thanks for the offer. Oh I do warn you I will be asking loads of questions lol

No problem at all, what are you up to next weekend?

I need to get another brew on the go and was thinking a lager, as the kids have wiped out most of the stocks and we have got a bbq coming up in a while

Its my birthday next weekend and am haveing a BBQ so will be tied up with that. Argggggggg I am gunna do a brew kit today if I can get hold of one