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  1. C

    Any folkies?

    LOVE the shoogles!
  2. C

    Tomato Wine's ... Half Sediment?!

    It will pack down a bit, it looks very "fluffy" in the picture. But yeah, let us know how you go with the whole tomato wine thang... :rofl:
  3. C

    Any folkies?

    Resurrecting this thread on account of being introduced, thanks to the Radio 2 Folk Awards, to The Full English project and the collaboration that produced the self-titled album last year. If you do lean a bit to the folksy side and you haven't heard it, get onto Spotify and search for The Full...
  4. C

    Best hops needed?

    Any nice traditional English varieties! For me Challenger is the best for bittering and East Kent Golding for flavour and aroma additions for a refreshing spring/summer ale. Lean a bit more toward Fuggle for those Autumn evening warming ones...
  5. C

    Hydrometer reading

    1.020 isn't finished. How long has it been fermenting? What are you fermenting in (bucket, wine fermenter)? Are you seeing any airlock activity? Tell us more about it... ...oh, and Hello! And Welcome!
  6. C

    Real ale bar! winning!!

    HAHAHA yup! That's not a bar, that's a "Man Crèche". You think she's being really nice letting you sit there on your own with several decent ales to sample but no, it's a distraction technique while she depletes your credit limit...
  7. C

    Which yeast is best to re-start a "stuck" English Porter?

    The best advice for restarting stuck ones is that you don't just need fresh yeast, you need fresh, active yeast and plenty of it! If I was stuck and didn't have a freshly finished brew to rack and re-use its trub I'd make up a couple of litres of fresh starter. A packet of whatever yeast you...
  8. C

    Sterilising Fermentation vessel

    This is excellent advice. I have never used anything but VWP and have a routine with known concentrations and rinsing cycles which has been developed exclusively from this "smell test" and, so far (grabs large handfuls of wood), I've had only one suspect (but actually I think it's a cr@p kit...
  9. C


    You can embed youtube vids now Chippy... use the youtube button and paste the video ID string between the tags. :thumb: [youtube:3rqazho4]OUY4LzRQ3_Y[/youtube:3rqazho4]
  10. C

    Dextrin Malt & Naked oat Malt

    Never used them I'm afraid but: ... -oats.html It seems that they are both associated with head retention with the dextrine/carapils not adding much else and the oats leaving that nutty, oaty...
  11. C

    idiots guide to casks

    A real cask? As in a wooden coopered cask? The concept scares me a little if I'm honest! There are some on here that have them and cask condition and we have some commercial craft brewers too. Hopefully one of them can offer you some advice...
  12. C

    Change to flavour when transferring from corny to bottle

    A beer gun is probably the complete answer for the process you describe. That way you are putting fully carbed beer into the bottle rather than losing a lot of gas as you pour it. You get a flatter beer having effectively poured it twice and less bubbles breaking means less aroma released in...
  13. C


    Sounds like a decent solution Chippy. Got any pictures of it in action?
  14. C

    When hashtags go bad...

    Ah, just go to and search for #AskAdams...
  15. C

    When hashtags go bad... Enjoy!
  16. C

    Did the Wherry kit, made a newbie error - any suggestions?

    I don't know if it's just me but this seems to be the first brew mistake of choice at the moment! The advice given by others is correct, either add further malt extract to bring the gravity up a bit and consider a dry hop too to add a bit of flavour which will be lacking or just have yourself a...
  17. C

    Has anyone used the maltase rest ?

    Silly questions are the ones you wished you'd asked but didn't. Because just adding the dextrose would reduce the total amount of malt used and thereby reduce the amount of unfermentable longer chain sugars in the wort thereby reducing flavour, body and mouthfeel. :thumb:
  18. C

    Has anyone used the maltase rest ?

    Indeed, but I still fail to see the point of creating glucose in the mash when the yeast is perfectly capable of (or may have been specifically bred to) metabolise maltose. If we had the ability to do this with sucrose then I could see the point as the enzyme used to cleave that into...
  19. C

    Planning BIAB what size boiler?

    OK, so build your own or try to buy?
  20. C

    So I bought some kegs...

    :lol: I'm itching to get a brew on - I've got a list as long as my wotsit - but first I've got a room to finish refurbing and a mountain of other stuff to catch up on... :(