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  1. ni9e

    Liquid Malt Extract

    Thanks T_S :thumb:
  2. ni9e

    Liquid Malt Extract

    Hi Guys I want to start experimenting with a few ideas for some beer but dont want the faff of doing small mashes so I was wondering could I use LME to do this if so do I just mix LME with water and boil as normal if so would 1.5kg of LME be enough for 15-20 pints of 4% beer? Thanks
  3. ni9e

    Motorola CPEi775 WiMax router

    Once you've changed the password on the router then your isp or whoever should not be able to gain access to the router to change any settings on it if your isp have accessed it then your network is not safe.
  4. ni9e

    Motorola CPEi775 WiMax router

    A T your isp has no control over your router so it was not them that reset it sounds to me like one of your neighbours is piggybacking your internet which would explain the lack of speed and the router reseting itself so they can keep connected to your free internet :shock: Best way to fix...
  5. ni9e

    BrewMate, Free Beer Recipe Designer!

    Would be nice for a port to osx or linux for us non winblows users ;)
  6. ni9e

    Drinking glasses

    Some pics of what you have done would be nice :thumb:
  7. ni9e

    Morso woodburners

    B&q do a wood burning stoves for £230 I bought one for the back room and the b&q stove is heavier and more well built than the stovax one we have in the front room the only thing the b&q stove does not have is air wash to keep the glass clean but for the £350 extra for the stovax is a small...
  8. ni9e

    Morso woodburners

    I would say no as well as the gas one's I looked at were not as heavily constructed as the wood burner I eventually bought. The wood burners get much hotter than the gas ones so need to be more substantial you would be better selling the gas one and buying a multifuel one.
  9. ni9e

    Secondry dry hopping

    Thanks guys :thumb:
  10. ni9e

    Divide the ingredient kit

    You can make the kit up to 5gal then divide it out into 5 parts but trying to split a kit into 5 equal parts would be to difficult I would of thought unless you are using dry ingredients but I could be wrong :D
  11. ni9e

    Secondry dry hopping

    Hi Guys this is my first time dry hopping a beer and I've threw the dry hops in a muslin bag and put it in the secondry and plan to leave it for a week when its time to keg do I squeeze the muslin bag out or just just syphon and leave the bag alone?
  12. ni9e

    PC Help

    A T try this a mate had the same prob and sorted it glad I bookmarked it now :thumb: The Windows 2000 and Windows XP CDs supplied by Microsoft have a tool called the Recovery Console which can be used to repair errors that prevent Windows XP from starting using the command line. OEM versions...
  13. ni9e

    Brew UK

    Ive just ordered a 60ltr fermenter to make a new boiler with fast friendly service :thumb:
  14. ni9e

    Dry hopping

    :hmm: I was thinking 45g in 23 litres as I would like maximum punch from the hops.
  15. ni9e

    East Of Nelson (now with pics)

    :shock: thats some brewery A T :thumb:
  16. ni9e

    Dry hopping

    Hey Guys does 2g of hops per litre of wort sound about right for dry hopping beer in secondry FV for about a week?
  17. ni9e

    East Of Nelson (now with pics)

    A T how many hops are you going to put in FV for dry hopping? Are you putting them in secondry or primary :wha:
  18. ni9e

    60 ltr Boiler

    Hi Guys Do you know where I can get a 60 ltr FV strong/thick enough to make a boiler out of the ones i've seen state that there not suitable to make a boiler? Thanks
  19. ni9e

    Any solicitors in the forum, good with contract law?

    Are you not in a union? If not look on the unite website it should give you phone numbers for union solicitors and give one of them a ring you get 30 mins or so talktime they should be able to help you. My understanding is that a company cannot force you to change your contract .
  20. ni9e

    Hot/cold break

    Cheers guys if no ill effects then i'll leave it alone as I dont like faffing with the beer when its in the FV :thumb: