Divide the ingredient kit

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New Member
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Guayaquil - Ecuador
I was wondering if I could divide my 5gal ingredient kit into several parts, let's say 5, in order to experiment with each one.
Can I do that by dividing the ingredients into equal parts, or it's just impossible??

Thanks for the help!!
Cheers and happy brewing!!
You can make the kit up to 5gal then divide it out into 5 parts but trying to split a kit into 5 equal parts would be to difficult I would of thought unless you are using dry ingredients but I could be wrong :D
Yes, I think that would be too difficult if it's not impossible...however, someone told me that I could split the batch before the secondary in 5 1gal carboys and "play" with each one...
I think that's the best way to try different flavours in the same beer!!
Cheers and thanks for the help!!