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  1. Toredan

    What did you brew today?

    Mosaic Rye IPA, mashing at the minute!
  2. Toredan

    Youngs American IPA

    I don't stir, but I do place my airlock then give the fv a little 'shimmy' to submerge the dried yeast. :) I guess it's each to their own!
  3. Toredan

    Top choice kit for winter

    I've got the rum one in corny keg at the minute. It's lovely. :) Very worth the money. Mocha is on the list, was considering doing the mocha with added bourbon with a vanilla pod soaked in it for Christmas.
  4. Toredan

    A Keezer - Scrounging

    Ordered! thanks mate, that has saved me about £40 of the cost of setup!
  5. Toredan

    3 litre swing tops

    I have a 2L one I fill up for Christmas day, pour into 4 pint glasses in one pour before the Turkey is sliced. :) Helps that there are 4 ale drinkers in the house at the time though!
  6. Toredan

    Cwtch by Tiny Rebel Brewery

    Another from Worcester, eh? Excellent! You been down to Homebrew Dave's yet in St. John's? lovely guy, just got a load more cwtch in!
  7. Toredan

    I Think I Might Be Called Into HR Tomorrow

    You're only 'embass'ing yourself. I'm finished here, best of luck with your HR experience.
  8. Toredan

    I Think I Might Be Called Into HR Tomorrow

    No need to justify yourself to me, I'd never hire anyone with an attitude like yours. :)
  9. Toredan

    A Keezer - Scrounging

    This is interesting as I'm at this point in my build and was about to buy some of those fancy shiny metal ones. Need 2 and they're £60 delivered :/ Would you have a link to one of these mate so I know what to look for?
  10. Toredan

    I Think I Might Be Called Into HR Tomorrow

    I've been in the hospitality industry for 15 years. I've worked as a KP up to HC and am now a GM. I didn't bother commenting before but after your reply it seems you aren't really getting what the issue is. Luke never made the complaint, so your relationship with him isn't what is important...
  11. Toredan

    Cwtch by Tiny Rebel Brewery

    Just hit the 2 week mark on this. Fermentation stopped a couple days ago and SG is 1.010. Cold crashed it for 24 hours in the fridge but it still looks essentially like mud. Did this ever clear up for anyone? Not tasted any yet as I cracked my wine thief but I'll probably give it another day or...
  12. Toredan

    Boiler replacement suggestions

    forget the link? :) Ha, found it. Sorry, just woke up.
  13. Toredan

    Tesco kettle element has changed

    So the new tesco kettle requires no wiring? I am notoriously bad with electrics hahah!
  14. Toredan

    Boiler replacement suggestions

    Looking for a replacement for my electrim boiler. For some reason tonight mid boil it cuts out and refuses to turn back on. Power is going to the controller and the orange and green lights come on but it doesn't turn on the element for some reaosn. Anywho, I'm bored of it now anyway as was only...
  15. Toredan

    Tesco kettle element has changed

    How hard were these to wire?
  16. Toredan

    Possible pellicle mold?

    Got the spare bottles so why not experiment? How well did you do not getting it in the bottles? did it reform anyway?
  17. Toredan

    Possible pellicle mold?

    fair enough
  18. Toredan

    Possible pellicle mold?

    Didn't have enough bottles for a wit a month ago or so and ended up racking 4 remaining litres into a DJ. Fastforward to now and I've found the forgotton DJ but it's covered in some rather pretty mold. The DJ did have a bubbler on it so surprised it's happened but may just taste it and go from...
  19. Toredan

    Hop shortage?

    Yes mate, couple bad years harvest wise. I reckon it'll be tough to get some of the more popular hops soon enough. :( That being said, perhaps look at the lesser used hops for inspiration!
  20. Toredan

    Bottling/kegging options.

    Ok then, so what bottles from pubs do you guys think are easiest to clean/worth cleaning? Had a chat with a LHBS today (ok, 40 minutes away so not local) and he said using bottles not designed for homebrew was dangerous... first I've heard of this, been using them for over a year now :)