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  1. P

    7 day Wines are they any good?

    To WOW or not to WOW, that is the question
  2. P

    idiot newbie adds too much water

    Not a bad idea, quite a good one actually.... Please check the temps that apply to the hops you use tho as some hop essential oils become volatile ( break up and escape from the tea solution) at temps as low as 60C
  3. P

    My really first post

    Go for it, we will give you our tips and tricks and all we ask is that you have fun and keep us posted
  4. P

    idiot newbie adds too much water

    Chill, it's only 10% extra volume, if you are worried about abv loss add some sugar to make up for it :)
  5. P

    Bad smell Beaverdale Kit

    I certainly would do it again just for the laughs, but at he time was abut awkward! + have I misread your post hehe
  6. P

    Slate/ stone in my grain

    It may be worth mentioning to them just incase it happened when it was bring packed
  7. P

    Turbo Ginger Beer?

    I haven't used coopers ginger beer kit or alcotec yeast but I can really recommend you try making ginger beer yourself Its called ginger beer but it is more to that of a wine strength - so closer to a turbo cider ( TC ) than beer in all honesty Take notes and keep us posted :)
  8. P

    Bad smell Beaverdale Kit

    Just clicked on the link and it popped open. Funny thing is there was a women sitting next to me on the train...she's now moved ahahaha I wonder if she thinks I was hinting at anything...
  9. P

    newbie tday

    Whatever you do, have fun :)
  10. P

    Bad smell Beaverdale Kit

    You didn't re-hydrate and boost the number of viable active yeast cells did you Basically - stop stressing yay east out man hahaha
  11. P

    Beer Is Proof That God Loves Us

    *adds on pile of things to do*
  12. P

    Disaster and redemption

    Sounds like a winning situation here tbh...mostly xD
  13. P

    Extractor system advice

    What sort of budget do you have as you could get a consealed extractor that would be silent or a noisey screaching bitch of an extractor that to top it off is ugly!
  14. P

    New on this forum too!

    Welcome and good luck with not spending too much on this hobby !
  15. P

    Is burnt toast a health risk?

    Get to know about it tho, for real....
  16. P

    My Personal Rant About BrewDog PLC

    I know its an open discussion and not aimed at hehe I'll be honest the idea of having a brewery and being able to give up my Job to go and promote my beers and ciders ( from the orchard that would magically run itself) at gigs and festivals would be awesome till my liver packed in haha
  17. P

    Is burnt toast a health risk?

    Cut out the fluoride as much as you can and awaken, put down the shackles of this tyranny
  18. P

    My Personal Rant About BrewDog PLC

    They have done well for themselves, but in order to do so well I feel they have left a part of the fun and joyous part of the project behind....
  19. P

    Co2 or nitro?

    Split the batch and keg with the different mixs of carbonation :)
  20. P

    The NHS night of torture

    Isn't there a name for that....;)