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Quantum Brewer
Apr 8, 2014
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I just finished reading this book by Charlie Bamforth who is probably one of the world's most knowledgeable people on the subject of beer.

It's an easy, entertaining and informative read, and probably what I found most interesting was seeing the "big, evil mega breweries" from a different perspective. It's easy to bash them for churning out bland, tasteless lagers but the author makes some good points in defense.

It's not really a brewing book as such, more a celebration of beer and what it means for the world, almost from a spiritual point of view while also being sort of an autobiography.

There are lots of interesting little anecdotes from someone who has had an impressive career in brewing quality control and research, and it's well worth a read. It's not going to tell you anything technical about brewing that you don't know already, it's not that sort of book, but beer nerds will enjoy it nonetheless.
I just finished reading this book by Charlie Bamforth who is probably one of the world's most knowledgeable people on the subject of beer.

It's an easy, entertaining and informative read, and probably what I found most interesting was seeing the "big, evil mega breweries" from a different perspective. It's easy to bash them for churning out bland, tasteless lagers but the author makes some good points in defense.

It's not really a brewing book as such, more a celebration of beer and what it means for the world, almost from a spiritual point of view while also being sort of an autobiography.

There are lots of interesting little anecdotes from someone who has had an impressive career in brewing quality control and research, and it's well worth a read. It's not going to tell you anything technical about brewing that you don't know already, it's not that sort of book, but beer nerds will enjoy it nonetheless.

*adds on pile of things to do*

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