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  1. Oneiroi

    What did you brew today?

    Bottled my first experiment with sour beer. A 100% extra pale DME kettle soured with Brevis. 10 litre batch - 5 left plain, 5 on raspberries. At bottling the plain one tasted pretty 1 dimensional (should have dry hopped it for flavour). Raspberry one tasted excellent for a first crack though...
  2. Oneiroi

    "Fake News"?

    Despite their biases and lenses by and large the ‘MSM’ can’t just lie and make stuff up without consequence. The daily mails front page correction this week is a good example. There’s a real difference between them and the completely made up and unregulated content online that’s been...
  3. Oneiroi

    Acetaldehyde in beer before bottling

    I've always been a bit curious about acetaldehyde as it was a suspect in a couple of early brews. When you say 'sickly' apple flavour, does that means its a sweet/cloying apple flavour?
  4. Oneiroi

    New to brew

    I assume you’re mashing in a cooler or something that you can’t just stick on a burner/stove to heat up? I brew BIAB too so don’t know too much about 3 vessel brewing but I’d assume your main options are: 1) Reduce mash volume (less to heat and more space in the tun) 2) Skip mashout water...
  5. Oneiroi

    babysteps towards Mars Beer

    This kind of attitude gives me faith in humanity[emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Oneiroi

    I didn't say it .... this time!

    For the most part I agree with this. My prediction was that the economy would be moderately worse of in the short and medium terms and mildy worse of in the long term. I personally didn't think the benefits of leaving were worth that, but I can understand that some would see it as an acceptable...
  7. Oneiroi

    I didn't say it .... this time!

    Did all the experts really predict the apocalypse the day after the vote? I feel like I’ve heard this claim a lot more from leave proponents since the referendum than I ever heard such predictions from experts beforehand. I’m sure there are a couple out there but I definitely don’t remember it...
  8. Oneiroi

    The sharks are coming.

    This got me curious, what are the main reasons from your point of view?
  9. Oneiroi

    Passion fruit....Summer NIGHTS.

    Something like this might be a little cheaper than fresh fruit? I had a delicious passion fruit sour from Burning Sky the other day
  10. Oneiroi

    The sharks are coming.

    I always wondered why there would be more money in research supporting climate change than those denying it to the benefit of the trillion dollar industries that are harmed by it.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Oneiroi

    Scary? Gamers and parents please read.

    That is ****ed up. I know it doesn’t add to the discussion but I don’t know what else to say....why the **** would anyone do that?! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Oneiroi

    Unwanted text scammers 65202

    I was always under the impression you couldn’t be charged for receiving a text as you have no control over it and thought the charity donations could only charge on texts you sent them. Looks like I was wrong! Thanks for the heads up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Oneiroi

    What should schools teach kids about sex?

    Two completely separate things... one is gender one is sexual orientation. Most homosexuals are cisgender... Same here, these aren't 11 different genders, only a couple of them are. The point of the term is that it's used to describe specific communities, not list every possible permutation...
  14. Oneiroi

    Extrapolating hydrometer readings

    Afaik it’s a straightforward linear relationship between s.g and the amount of sugar per litre. I.e If you double the volume of water you half the gravity. So to work out the new gravity, multiply the old gravity points by Old volume/New volume. If you had 10 litres of wort/must at 1.050 and...
  15. Oneiroi

    How many litres of home brew 2018.

    10 l Raspberry sour experiment 21 l Saison Total 9267
  16. Oneiroi

    In the rocks help please...!

    How long was is in primary? I would probably just bottle it today or tommorrow with the carb drops and let it condition for a few weeks in the bottle. Won't take any harm leaving it longer, but I'm not sure it will gain much either.
  17. Oneiroi

    A saison recipe please.

    I thought I'd used the 3726 like you but got my numbers muddled, was actually the 3724 Belgian Saison. Heard it has a habit of getting stuck but hopefully if I manage the temp as suggested it should work. Will report back when tasted :)
  18. Oneiroi

    Too much Liquid

    I'm not sure if the water/grain ratio in the mash makes any difference to final volume (BIAB brewer). The size of the grain bill obviously affects the amount of water left absorbed by the spent grain though, if that's what you mean then, I think that is a bit high. I use 1lt/kg as a rough...
  19. Oneiroi

    A saison recipe please.

    I used this as the base for my first Saison yesterday, thanks @Zephyr259. Subbed EKG/Saaz with Aramis and Brewers gold as that's what I had in and thought the earthy/herbal/floral notes would work. Fingers crossed!
  20. Oneiroi

    Donald Trump.

    But....antifa, is a depressingly common refrain on the right. They’re a bogeyman blown out of all proportions to justify anything. Even then, the idea that they are somehow fascist, or equivalent to, because they wear black and have been involved in violence shows a complete lack of...