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  1. Richie_asg1

    The Coronavirus thread.

    Nothing like waking up to a pair of great tits. I think this may be the first time the world and our busy lives has been put on pause. It would be a good time to consider how we want to move forward if we had the choice. I continue to support a local organic farm, but at this time I wish we...
  2. Richie_asg1


    Only bottle clear beer. 2 weeks in the FV and then chill and that should solve most of your problems. Pour with a steady hand with light behind it if you can and aim to leave 1/2" in the bottom of the bottle. Bottle conditioned beers will always have some yeast in there. If you want a yeast free...
  3. Richie_asg1

    Can I transfer beer keg to keg?

    I would chill it and give it some more co2. Maybe someone more knowledgeable could advise you, but that is what I would do. More sugar may work but you would have to open the lid again. If you use the co2 you can check for leaks straight away with soapy water.
  4. Richie_asg1

    Can I transfer beer keg to keg?

    I would say it is worth a go. There should have been enough CO2 in there to protect it from oxidising. Just leave it in there till you get anew barrel. Possible you could use a soldering iron/ lighter to seal the pinhole at a pinch in the present circumstances. I would really like to know...
  5. Richie_asg1

    The Coronavirus thread.

    Never thought I would see the day when people are giving nurses the clap.
  6. Richie_asg1

    Help choosing a wort chiller

    I made a double coil copper chiller from 10mm heating pipe You just need an extra two equal tees to make a double coil. Used lead free solder. The idea of the double coil is you get more of a squat chiller so there is more coil in a 12L brew, and thermal transfer is worse the longer the pipe run...
  7. Richie_asg1

    Keeping chickens

    I would put a lot of grain around it or wedge it open for a few days till they get the idea that it is full of food.
  8. Richie_asg1

    The Coronavirus thread.

    One of my friends informed me that she was in the at risk group, and was taking the lift up to her flat, when two policemen asked her to hold the lift for them. She panicked and told them she was to self isolate because she was at risk and just to wait, but they told her to just hold the f'in...
  9. Richie_asg1

    Getting the most from your grains.

    I would start a new thread for the Beer adds because a lot of folks would chip in on that, and could be hard to find in here. Just copy the posts over or maybe chippy could sort it all out. thumb
  10. Richie_asg1


    I'm no expert but having fun on here. I syphon into another cleaned fermenting vessel (FV), measure the quantity, and use the priming calculator from the link at the top of the page saying calculators. This will give you the quantity of sugar to add for bottle carbonation. Boil it in a little...
  11. Richie_asg1

    Coronavirus: Significant minority find lockdown 'extremely difficult', poll suggests

    I would think combined cycle paths and dogs on extendable leads is a recipe for disaster. Anyone with a bike who has a lot of time on their hands should consider the deliveroo option as I've seen them in supermarkets too. Exercise, help people out and get paid to do it - result!
  12. Richie_asg1

    Coronavirus: Significant minority find lockdown 'extremely difficult', poll suggests

    When my wife became ill and I had to be a carer instead of a regular job a few years ago I found it very difficult to adjust. I just felt like I should be working and not sat inside all the time. I felt like a second class citizen. I guess it took me over 2 years to accept it as the new normal...
  13. Richie_asg1

    Getting the most from your grains.

    Well with just over 3kg of grain from the porter which had the malted grains in I ended up with about 5L of dark wort with a SG of 1.044 to start off with. Which was pretty decent if a little small. Added to a strike water to make 12L it was down to 1.010 Added 580g of MO which was to use it up...
  14. Richie_asg1

    Getting the most from your grains.

    That's very useful as I've never really understood the term party gyle before. I'll have a look. When I tried drying some of the grains they felt very sticky and this was after a dunk sparge, so I thought I would try it out. It has resulted in a weak wort to start with, but with loads of...
  15. Richie_asg1

    Anyone else restrict their alcohol intake by doing this...?

    I tend to have a pint most nights starting mid way through cooking it and finish it later on in the evening with or after the meal. Sometimes I will have a glass of wine instead, and sometimes just red grape juice in a wineglass to trick my monkey brain into thinking it's wine. I'll also do the...
  16. Richie_asg1

    Getting the most from your grains.

    If supplies are in high demand, then we really should be getting the most out of our grains. I've just brewed a London porter all grain, and am now setting up the day after to mash the grains a second time for longer to make the most of them. I am thinking of making up the gravity with...
  17. Richie_asg1

    Easy Keg 5L

    There is also now the option of 3d printing which could solve a difficult problem where nothing else will fit.
  18. Richie_asg1


    I have also stuck to two brands for all my bottles. One is wychwood hobgoblin type, - All their beers are in the same bottle but you do need a bench capper for them. The other is the Magners cider bottles I use only for cider, and keep the boxes they come in. If you can get hold of flip top...
  19. Richie_asg1

    The Coronavirus thread.

    Is it just me or is looking at the daily chart of death rates is like some kind of grim Top Trumps? I see we have a remarkably low number of recovered. Does that mean like Bevvied here you don't feel right for a long time afterwards. (I'm glad to see your sense of humour has returned though...
  20. Richie_asg1

    Busy times from home brew shops

    Was Just wondering if Brewdog and other breweries may start selling grain or hops. Not sure on the shelf life of these things. Hops will be ok, but if you have several tons of grain sitting in a silo they may just go to animal feed in a few months. Hey- maybe suggest they start canning malt...