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  1. Asherweef

    Heating Option

    Would probably be ideal but we only have a detached garage
  2. Asherweef

    Heating Option

    Looks like the aquarium heater is the way to go. Having never kept tropical fish how much do thy cost to run?
  3. Asherweef

    Heating Option

    Thanks :) And cilbit - you've been v. Helpful so far!
  4. Asherweef

    Heating Option

    I'm looking for an economical heating option for my brews. I've looked at belts and immersion heaters but not sure which way I should go. I'm sure there have been threads on this but can't seem to find them... My it skills aren't up to much!!!
  5. Asherweef

    Wilkinsons elderflower wine 6 bottle review.

    Afraid not - this was my first wine and I'd forgotten to take the reading. It had stopped bubbling though for a couple of days (left it much longer than the instructions). Do you think that could be it?
  6. Asherweef

    Wilkinsons elderflower wine 6 bottle review.

    I'll confess to not keeping the packet; it was bought on a bit of an impulse as I'm generally a red wine drinker. Just googled it and it doesn't describe itself like that on the website.
  7. Asherweef

    Simple Brews for a Simple Soul

    Oh dear! What was the taste like?
  8. Asherweef

    Beetroot Beer

    Ha. Yes the recipe is pretty poor - do I understand that this is drank like a port? May try it for the sake of experiment...! Thanks clibit
  9. Asherweef

    Wilkinsons elderflower wine 6 bottle review.

    I made this a few months ago and have one bottle left. I found it remarkably sweet but added no more than the recommended sugar... Did I do something wrong?
  10. Asherweef

    Beetroot Beer

    I picked up a really cheap booklet from a National Trust property but it doesn't give reams of information. I'm quite keen to try a brew from inside for beetroot beer but it doesn't give any idea on end volume. Ingredients: 1lb Beetroot 1 Pint Stout 8oz unrefined dark muscovado sugar...
  11. Asherweef

    Simple Brews for a Simple Soul

    Morning all, Had a productive day yesterday: currently got a Wilkinsons 'real ale' 2 can kit brewing and also a Wilkos chardonnay (:sick: ) kit. I think the last (and first) time I brewed was probably in January so I was a little rusty... All seemed to go well; remember to sterilise...
  12. Asherweef

    Brewing Greenhorn

    Thanks :) I'll have a look and give it a go.
  13. Asherweef

    Brewing Greenhorn

    Thanks cilbit. I've only ever noticed guides with rotating sparge arms etc... Think I'll give your stout a try!!! Any good local brew shops around here? I'm from Bolton/ work near Old Trafford.
  14. Asherweef

    Brewing Greenhorn

    Thanks for the replies - I'm a little unsure as to how to actually start on the road to anything other than kit beers. A lot of the threads on here assume some level of knowledge (acronyms seem to be everywhere in brewing!). I love the science behind cooking and brewing so I think that I would...
  15. Asherweef

    Brewing Greenhorn

    Afternoon all, I'm asherweef - a brewing newbie based in the Northwest UK. I received a brewing starter kit with a St Peter's golden ale kit at Christmas which I eagerly made; girlfriend then suggested we try wine so we have some elderflower wine ageing. Beer is nice though not great and the...