I picked up a really cheap booklet from a National Trust property but it doesn't give reams of information. I'm quite keen to try a brew from inside for beetroot beer but it doesn't give any idea on end volume.
1lb Beetroot
1 Pint Stout
8oz unrefined dark muscovado sugar
Scrub the beets, cut into slices and put into a bowl. Sprinkle over the sugar and set aside for 24 hours. When ready strain off the liquid and add it to the sou, put into bottles and seal with plastic caps. Leave 7 - 14 days before drinking.
Have any members tried this (or similar) and if so how many bottles can I expect from this? I would imagine not much but I have no idea how much liquid 1lb of beets will give when sugared...
1lb Beetroot
1 Pint Stout
8oz unrefined dark muscovado sugar
Scrub the beets, cut into slices and put into a bowl. Sprinkle over the sugar and set aside for 24 hours. When ready strain off the liquid and add it to the sou, put into bottles and seal with plastic caps. Leave 7 - 14 days before drinking.
Have any members tried this (or similar) and if so how many bottles can I expect from this? I would imagine not much but I have no idea how much liquid 1lb of beets will give when sugared...