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  1. jeremy Hall

    Is there anyway you can sligthly sweeten a kegged stout?

    Hi, funnily enough I've made exactly the same beer. I cut the volume down to 21 l. I'm surprised at the alcohol. I didn't test, but seems strong. I have no complaints though. It tastes lovely. I'm just about to do another but add a kilo of blackberries and a kilo of damsens. I'll do that the...
  2. jeremy Hall

    Bigger Jugs

    It's funny, last night my wife suddenly blurred out, "what's this order from bigger jugs that needs completion? What have you been ordering!!!!" I sheepishly said, "I was looking for wine yeast. It's a home brew shop." "Oh" she says. She obviously thought it was porn
  3. jeremy Hall

    Removing alcohol from beer

    I would be tempted to cut down, maybe to 800g then 600g just to see how it turns out. I prefer small steps.
  4. jeremy Hall

    Snails/slugs have eaten my hop plant leaves what do I do?

    I use the dregs of the fermentator in beer traps. Plus any testers or the occasional beer which doesn't taste right. I have ten traps around various vulnerable plants. Works a treat.
  5. jeremy Hall

    What did you brew today?

    Just bottled a Simply Pale Ale. Brewed with a kilo of brewing sugar and 250 grams Demerara. Put on a Simply bitter, with 1 kilo brewing sugar and 100grams Demerara. Both 23L. That's my fifth brew for this year.
  6. jeremy Hall


    I do similar to you, but I sugar the bottles individually. I have had a few flat bottles. Not a lot, maybe one in five. I'm not sure why, but it could be the new caps I'm using. I doubt I have missed sugar in the bottles for this number to fail. Could be the weather. Although the ones that do...
  7. jeremy Hall

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Tried my "Simply" lager today. Only been in the bottle 5 days, so I was just tasting to check it, and planning to put the rest in snail traps. Low and behold, it had a nice creamy head and lots of bubbles. Still very young, and I expect it to improve over the coming weeks, but quite drinkable...
  8. jeremy Hall

    Obtaining bottles

    I was always told never to put soap anywhere near a homebrew bottle as it can affect the head. I only use steriliser. Not sure how true this is. I leave labels on. Makes the bottles less slippery when wet.
  9. jeremy Hall

    Brown ale

    I put on a simply lager just this Saturday gone and it was bubbling by Sunday. Bubbling away nicely now. In the conservatory, temp ranges 16-20C this time of year. I put Vaseline around the air lock to ensure it's sealed. Just checking you didn't put the yeast in when the mix was hot? That could...
  10. jeremy Hall

    What did you brew today?

    I've been out of beer for three months now. Surviving on cheap Lidl beer, which at £1.15 isn't that bad, considering you get a nice free 500ml glass bottle with it. Looking to do a "Simply" lager next weekend in my conservatory. It catches the sun, so I'm hoping it's warm enough. Getting up to...
  11. jeremy Hall


    You can pick green and ripen on a window sill, or green tomato chutney.
  12. jeremy Hall

    Hoptimum beer kits

    I take it this must be new to market then if no one has used it?
  13. jeremy Hall

    Hoptimum beer kits

    Just wondering if anyone has brewed any of these before and what the results were like, and how it compares to something like coopers which is my go to.
  14. jeremy Hall

    Inconsiderate parking.

    Isn't this the reason cars are fitted with horns? Why didn't you give her a toot and some friendly advice?
  15. jeremy Hall

    Car sales.

    Wish I'd seen this before. Brother in law just bought one that's a year old. Oh well, fingers crossed.
  16. jeremy Hall

    Car sales.

    I work for an insurance company, and yes prices have been jacked up. I wouldn't call it profiteering though. Inflation has jacked up the price of cars and parts, and there's shortages meaning hire cars have to be used for longer. I would be hesitant taking the cheapest quote on a comparison...
  17. jeremy Hall

    Confused newbie

    I've never used a bottling bucket, and I don't know what it is? Never used sugar sticks, but I don't see why not. I often use demerera sugar, or a mix of demerera and white. Never tried brown. I Syphon, although I'd prefer a tap and bottle spear thingy.
  18. jeremy Hall

    Belt in Oil

    Had a belt/chain go on a ford Capri and luckily nothing was damaged. Easy repair. If a car gets old I don't bother replacing. If it costs more to replace than the car is worth, what's the point?
  19. jeremy Hall

    Signs of Carbonation in Bottles

    My recent lager has taken 4 weeks in the garage to get a decent head. If you have clear glass bottles, or pet, you can see bubbles forming on the bottom and travelling up. Agree with the advice above that a couple of pet bottles in a brew will let you know when it is getting pressured. I...
  20. jeremy Hall

    Should I use out of date kit extract

    Will be interested to know what it tastes like as I'll probably be doing some of those next year.