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  1. BradleyW

    Beer and Veganism

    With the rise of popularity of veganism currently, there's something that I've been wondering, especially when I see the vegan label plastered on beer cans. How do vegans justify drinking beer when yeast is a living organism? Not only is it a living organism but we are "forcing" its growth...
  2. BradleyW


    We've had VAR here in Spain since the last world cup, I think this is the first season of it in the Prem right? I absolutely hate it, I think it's no exaggeration to say it's ruining the game. Especially when it comes to offside decisions because there still appears to be no consensus as to what...
  3. BradleyW

    What to listen to while brewing.

    I quite often listen Brant Bjork's first album which is nice and rocky and has long instrumental songs which is perfect background music. I find if I listen to anything that I reeeeeally like I end up focusing on the music instead of the brewing.
  4. BradleyW

    Anyone fasting for lent (on beer)?

    Never understood the whole fasting thing. Why make yourself miserable for weeks on end??
  5. BradleyW

    And we worry about infection

    Yeah, that's why people started fermenting stuff wasn't it. Because water was often unsafe to drink.
  6. BradleyW

    Beginners Guide to Water Treatment (plus links to more advanced water treatment in post #1)

    Thanks! I'm sure I'll balls it up the first few times!! It's all a learning curve though!
  7. BradleyW

    Beginners Guide to Water Treatment (plus links to more advanced water treatment in post #1)

    The one that my brewshop sells is 75%, is that similar to yours?
  8. BradleyW

    Beginners Guide to Water Treatment (plus links to more advanced water treatment in post #1)

    yeah I was thinking of going straight in on the phosphoric acid as I also have hard water
  9. BradleyW

    Beginners Guide to Water Treatment (plus links to more advanced water treatment in post #1)

    Thanks so much for this overview, really helpful for a newbie like me. I do have a question though regarding adding acids to lower alkalinity. Apologies in advance if this has been covered already, I haven't been through all 900+ messages haha. I have noticed on the website I buy all my brewing...
  10. BradleyW

    Britta Filters

    Yep just seen on your water treatment thread, was just going to say "ignore me! Thanks :)
  11. BradleyW

    Britta Filters

    Quick question about Campden tabs. My brew supplier doesn't sell the tablets just in powder form, how much does each tablet have of potassium metabisulphate ?
  12. BradleyW

    Britta Filters

    Thanks for the advice guys!!! acheers.
  13. BradleyW

    Britta Filters

    I think it has both if I remember correctly
  14. BradleyW

    Britta Filters

    Thanks! Yeah I've considered the Campden tabs, it's more a question of laziness really, bottled water is so easy to come by.
  15. BradleyW

    Britta Filters

    Our tap water has quite a bit of chlorine in it so I have been brewing with bottled water for a while. We recently bought a Britta filter because the cost (and plastic) was mounting up. So the question is could I use this filtered water for brewing or shall I continue with the bottled?
  16. BradleyW

    Bottling... blimey,

    New to brewing too and bottling is the bit I still haven't quite managed to get comfortable with yet. I always end up rushing and making daft mistakes! But one thing I will say, definitely get a proper bench capper! Got one for Xmas and soooooo much quicker and less faff.
  17. BradleyW

    Hoegaarden and orange juice.

    Are you guys adding the juices once fermentation has finished? What effect will the extra sugar have on the brew? Do you add less sugar when priming? Cheers
  18. BradleyW

    Fermentation Fridge

    pretty reasonable that!
  19. BradleyW

    The 'Recommend me a TV series' thread

    Just finished the first season of Evil. Found that very enjoyable. Not sure if it's been mentioned before but Person of interest is a great series!
  20. BradleyW

    Should everybody have a ID Card

    I refused to give my name to a copper once (long story) and nothing happened. This was 20 years ago though maybe the law has changed?