I use normal paper and use the same process as Dads_Ale, but that's only if I'm dishing it out to someone, if its for home consumption its either a sharpie on the cap or some masking tape !!
�ã100 off a grainfather ;-)
got it on the go atm, nice to have some time to myself and enjoy the brew.
looking forward to this one :grin:
all tucked up now for an hour before I give it a stir and temp check, looking forward to the arrival of the inkbird digital thermometer as I can monitor it whilst indoors (and yes...
red grape juice and lidl multivitamin juice, kinda like a lava lamp atm, my kids love watching it, happens with anything raspberry too :lol:
always a lively start but it settles down and produces a nice clear glass
all my bottles are brown, as you near the end of the pour you'll notice the colour change with the sediment, just stop there for a clear pint, more often than not I'll just cane it all in, I don't mind the taste at all, but the Mrs hates it :lol: !
I guess the plastic boiler softens a bit during the boil enabling the steel false bottom to drop, its ok I kinda got used to it and now know I can't rely on it keeping all the crap out, still going to keep using it though as it keeps the bag off of the element, even with all the crap going into...
I doubt it would struggle, guess it would be on more to compensate, but as they are well insulated they keep a pretty even temp unless you keep opening the door! I am on the lookout for a larger fridge or chest freezer to take more brews,so I'd probably get a larger one then