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  1. Noah

    Westvleteren 12!!!

    Adnam's Tally ho is a nice beer but I'd prefer something I can drink as I don't really collect beers other than for ageing. I'd be interested in something of around the same strength as the Abt from a craft brewery, Magic Rock, BrewDog, Kernel etc. or any of the big American IPA's or stouts...
  2. Noah

    1984 bottle of Samichlaus

    A good buy I'd say. :thumb: A good few rarities in the picture too I notice. As a lover of strong beers I usually keep the odd bottle for ageing along with a few Thomas Hardy Ales & De Dolle Stille Nachts for drinking on Christmas Eve.
  3. Noah

    Westvleteren 12!!!

    I had one this week and it was beautiful. I'd be happy to trade a bottle or two although postage could be a problem. I'm in Northampton with family in Hertfordshire and I occasionally visit Brum.
  4. Noah

    Coopers, Original Dark Ale Review

    I bought this kit to make up the order for free delivery and regretted it when I read the reviews. I decided to brew it as I had an empty F.V. and it's turned out to be one of the best beers I've made! I brewed short to 18 litres and used 1kg of DME, 11 days primary, 7 days in secondary with a...
  5. Noah

    Hops Question

    Well I think so. They're soft and cuddly and smell nice too.
  6. Noah

    Change one letter game. (4 letter words)

    Past >>>>>
  7. Noah

    Where everybody knows your name ...

    Steady on, you've only just met. Anyway, welcome from another newb.
  8. Noah

    Hops Question

    I've cropped most of the hops growing in my garden and I was going to add 400 grams to the 30 litres of Golden Ale but I bottled it. :whistle: Not all of it, just a few litres just in case it doesn't work out well. Here are a couple of shots of said hops.
  9. Noah

    Vic Secret Hop Pellets

    Whoops, posted in the wrong forum but can't delete my post. Sorry.
  10. Noah

    Hops Question

    Thanks folks, I think I'll add 2-300 grams of green hops to 15 litres and see how it turns out. Happy birthday Slid, you youngsters certainly know how to have a good time. :drink:
  11. Noah

    New to all this, teensy bit of advice please...

    Hi Vicky and welcome to the forum from another newbie. Most of the kits recommend 1 Kg of sugar to be added so if you've done the same with your second batch the result should be the same depending on the final gravity. Yes, O.G. should be taken before pitching the yeast and at an ideal...
  12. Noah

    Hops Question

    Thanks for your reply, I'm using 3 x 1.5Kg cans to 30 litres to get the fermentables up. I read on another thread about wild hops and whether they would be any good for homebrew & one reply suggested posting a pic to see if they could be identified. These are growing profusely in my garden...
  13. Noah

    Saying Hello & Hops Question

    Hi there, I started brewing again after a break of 18 years and I've gleaned a lot of information from the forum so thanks to everyone for your help so far. A special thanks goes to Chippy Tea for the wow recipes, I've brewed a few now with great results. By the way, my name's not Noah. I just...
  14. Noah

    Hops Question

    I'm on my 12th beer kit and my question is about hops - would you suggest dried hops for late hopping or hop pellets? I've been sorely disappointed with the Evil Dog IPAs so far and I'm now trying my own variation of the Wilko's Golden Ale and plan to late hop for an American IPA type style.
  15. Noah

    Westvleteren 12!!!

    Yes, I've seen them on sale for a ridiculous £25. Even my home-brew isn't worth that! I thought about swapping some of them as I strictly abide by the rules set when buying from the monastery not to sell on but I might just mix them with my home-brew. :-o You've given me an idea about the...
  16. Noah

    Westvleteren 12!!!

    Not wishing to sound big headed on my second post but I hope you don't mind me saying that I've been drinking this for 21 years now! I remember my first trip to the brewery and the Brother was reluctant to sell us a crate as he didn't think we'd return the empties. I said if the beer is as good...
  17. Noah

    Splitting 2-can kits

    I've done a similar thing in reverse. I used 3 cans from two kits, topped up to 30 litres giving an o.g. of 1.053 which should ferment out to around 5.7%. I used both sachets of yeast and I plan to brew the single can in the spring to the standard recipe to give 4%, that's if I don't decide to...