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  1. C


    ok guys thnx
  2. C


    ok guys i will start this buy saying all the info i have been giveing from the people on this site has helped me alot ... my last few batches of beer has been perfect :cheers: but now im thinking of makeing an alcopop for the mrs .. so she can also enjoy the home brew exp .. :drunk: lol...
  3. C

    idiot proof

    who loged in as me to make this post.............?
  4. C

    turbo orange ??

    potent is what im looking for :cheers: after a few days i will make up to full dj just need a little space for bubbles for now i think but ya will keep you posted :thumb:
  5. C

    Selling Cider

    couldent you just sell it at the carboot sale ?? lol when i told a few forigners at work i was makeing home brew they all asked me how much would i sell them some "moonshine" :drunk: lol
  6. C

    turbo orange ??

    hi guys im going to try a turbo orange ,, but couldent find a recipe so here goes 3 lt of oj 1 kg of house sugar and ale yeast and yn will this work guys ??? or will it be :sick:
  7. C

    idiot proof

    He's fun, but a bit of a kit n kilo evangelist . . . cause we all know kits are so much better than all grain . . . . . . Why is it that you can never find a tongue in Cheek smiley when you want one :lol:
  8. C

    round 2

    thanks guys :thumb: :cheers:
  9. C

    round 2

    hey guys just started my second homebrew kit ... must admit the first, all tho strong wasnt that good and if i didnt brew it myself i would have tiped it .. lol so this time im going to leave it in the fv for 2 weeks ( should i change to another fv after a week or leave in same one for the...
  10. C

    Gravity, Sugar and ABV Calculation tool

    it seems i dont have them .. will look into gettinmg them :hmm:
  11. C

    idiot proof

    have you had a look on youtube ?
  12. C

    Bottling Question (plastic)

    must rember to do that next time ... thnx
  13. C

    what to do

    guess it ok to go with this recipe then :hmm:
  14. C

    recipe for 5 ltr water bottles

    what does the black tea do mate
  15. C

    what to do

    ok guys ive just blended the 2 pineapples added 770g of brown caster sugar and 1 campden and 1 st of pectolase and i got a reading of 1060 im going to let this stand over night then will check it again to see if i need more sugar then i will add 1ts of yeast nutrient and some yeast...
  16. C

    what to do

    guys ive got 2 pineapples 2 bowls of plums 12 pears 2 dj's im thinking of a pineapple wine in 1 dj and a plum and pear in the other or should i mix all 3 and see what happones this will be my first attempt at a wine so if you got a recipe it will help me thnx guys :cheers: