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  1. D

    Conditioning with DME

    I'm putting my second every brew on this weekend. It's a London Porter kit. I have some dark malt extract, which I was intending to use for something in the future but I'm wondering whether to use that for the priming sugar rather than table sugar. Is this likely to be over malty, or to be...
  2. D

    aqarium heaters

    Never having seen an aquarium heater up close, I assume they don't pump the liquid round (at least the cheaer ones). So it'd be better to have it reasonably deep in the FV to aid convection....
  3. D

    Hops - vacuum packed or not?

    AH - cheers. It appears that searching with JavaScript turned off doesn't work very well. Thanks for all the help people, now I just need to get organised!
  4. D

    Hops - vacuum packed or not?

    Cheers - Barley Bottom don't seem to sell malt extract, and I'm not converted to the Dark Side yet....
  5. D

    Hops - vacuum packed or not?

    Well, it's not really a LHBS - it's a various things for the house shop that also sells homebrew stuff. I was thinking more about online sources - e.g. the pictures of hops on the Matchless Homberew (forum sponsor) website look exactly the same as my local shop. Will these have been...
  6. D

    Hops - vacuum packed or not?

    Hopefully I'll soon be trying my first extract brew. The only local shop to me sells a few hops but in plastic bags, kept on the shelf in the shop. Given that the AAs degrade with temp & oxygen I'd rather source hops from somewhere that stores them properly. So, as far as online retailers go...
  7. D

    Maintaining fermentation temperature: belt/heater

    No worries about sanitising them then? I assume a rinse with videne or equivalent will do the job. And a hole in the FV lid of course! Hopefully airtight as I rather like the sound of the bubbling of the airlock!
  8. D

    Maintaining fermentation temperature: belt/heater

    Well, with a house move I'll probably have to brew in the corner of the kitchen where it's likely to get a bit chilly at night. So economic suggestions for maintaining fermentation temperature? Sleeping bag and wrapping it up of course, but I think I'd like a way to get some heat in if...
  9. D

    Rousing yeast

    I've been asking rather a lot of question about my first brew recently, but that's beginners for you eh? I have a Young's Harvest Yorkshire Bitter kit on the go made with DME rather than table sugar and S-04 rather than the kit yeast. I don't have an OG reading. It definately started...
  10. D

    Stupid question about pressurising keg with an S30 cylinder

    Would you believe it - I've determined the cannister was empty! I was suspicious as the pin in the canister seemed loose. Had a word with the shop where I got it, and it turns out one of their assistants got confused because someone had returned an empty in the yellow plastic wrapper! Mumble...
  11. D

    Stupid question about pressurising keg with an S30 cylinder

    It should be full - I only got it a week ago! The valve doesn't have a pin in the centre of it, so I don't see how it's supposed to work. I ordered the barrel as one with an S30 valve though, so I assume it's the right one. I got it from ... rrels.html...
  12. D

    Stupid question about pressurising keg with an S30 cylinder

    OK, I've never used a CO2 injector before. I have a keg with what I understand to be an S30 valve, and a Hambleton Bard Super30 cylinder. Do I just screw the cylinder on until something starts happening? Should this require a reasonable amount of force? I can get the cylinder on hand-tight but...
  13. D

    Stuck fermentation?

    I realised a couple of hours ago that the lid of the FV wasn't fully clipped down after taking the hydro reading. Sealing it properly has started airlock activity again, so it must still be doing something. I'll see what the hydro says tomorrow night...
  14. D

    Stuck fermentation?

    Hmmm, I haven't noticed any further airlock activity since I've taken the hydro reading today. I'll have another look at it tomorrow evening and see if there's been any movement. Trouble is, due to holidays I can't really leave it more than another week and I don't think I'd want it more than...
  15. D

    Stuck fermentation?

    I've got my first ever brew on the go. It's a Youngs Harvest Yorkshire Bitter Kit with DME as the sugar and S-O4 yeast. It's been in the FV for 8 days, with slow airlock activity for the last few days (a bubble every 5-10mins). I've taken the first hydro reading today and it's reading...
  16. D

    Length of primary fermentation

    No doubt a how-long-is-a-piece-of-string question. I've got my first brew on the go, a kit with DME rather than table sugar & S-O4 yeast. My intention was to bottle on day 11 after pitching, a convenient day. The airlock was pretty busy for the first 24hrs, and has slowed a lot since then...
  17. D

    Saving yeast from a primary

    I'll be transferring my first ever (kit) brew into kegs & bottles next week. In the nearish future I might try a small batch extract brew (I have a 5L demijohn, but no extra storage space for a 2nd keg or 40 bottles), perhaps basing a recipe on something from...
  18. D

    Simple Qs re: preparing for kegging/bottling

    I have my first ever brew on the go at the moment (Youngs Harvest Yorkshire Bitter kit w/ DME rather than cane sugar & S-04 yeast). Day 4 at the moment and still bubbling once every minute or two. I intend to bottle & keg on day 11. I'll dissolve 80g sugar in 100ml or so of boiled water and put...
  19. D

    First ever brew finally on (and a question!)

    Well, I can finally put a post in the Beer Brewdays bit! Not AG, not even extract but I'm pleased I've finally got round to it! My missus bought a Youngs Harvest Yorkshire Bitter kit and FV for me as a father's day present. I've ended up buying numerous other bits & pieces and put them into use...
  20. D

    Brew Dog Tactical Nuclear Penguin - how's this possible?

    Not homebrew, but I've just seen this. Can you really get yeats that'll brew up to 32%, I thought that was in the realms of distillation. ... 380412.stm