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  1. BrewWoo

    750ml 75cl wine bottles.

    Where is the best place to pick these up in bulk? I think £4.50 for 6 is kinda pricey, and I'd rather not have to resort to raiding bottle banks/asking at pubs etc.. I'd like to order in bulks of 50 or so..? Apologies if this topic is in the wrong section/place.
  2. BrewWoo

    Hydrometer Reading

    Too late to get it going again, it's been stabilized and finings added. There hadn't been anything out the airlock for 6 nearly 7 days thus I assumed it had fermented out.
  3. BrewWoo

    Hydrometer Reading

    Rather than make another thread for kind of the same thing, I thought I'd ask here. Made a WOW using Apple & Rasberry & RGJ, plus a KG of sugar topped up to 4L with water. (With the addition of the usuals) Taken a gravity reading and it's showing exactly one the line of sweet (1.30? or is it...
  4. BrewWoo

    De-labelling wine bottles

    Acetone. It's used in nail varnish remover, albeit at a weak %. It's also used in hospital as a glue de-bonder. You can buy it on eBay for about £2.50 a litre.
  5. BrewWoo

    Youngs Super Wine Yeast

    I was originally worried as I had started a WOW and after an hour nothing had bubbled through the airlock. The day after though it was off like a rocket.
  6. BrewWoo

    Youngs Super Wine Yeast

    Ok, good to know, thanks.
  7. BrewWoo

    Youngs Super Wine Yeast

    Is it ok to use this straight from the fridge? Or do I have to allow it to warm up etc?
  8. BrewWoo

    Hydrometer Reading

    Just double checked and the carton of Purple Grape Juice is only 750ml not a litre.. Will report back once it's finished. :) Thanks for all fast response and help!
  9. BrewWoo

    Hydrometer Reading

    Water has been added up to about 4.2/4.5L mark, I like to leave a fair amount of headspace as I don't want it coming out the airlock and all over the towels and bedding that's in the airing cuboard. The 2L of juice about 500/600ml of water was added to boil the sugar in, then cold water was...
  10. BrewWoo

    Hydrometer Reading

    Was going to use some youngs suger wine yeast.
  11. BrewWoo

    Hydrometer Reading

    Just wanted to double check things are ok, I'm making up a WOW variant and I've used 1L Purple Grape Juice, 1L Apple Juice, 1KG sugar, total sugar 1,235g. Wanted to double check the hydrometer wasn't wrong, and if I let it ferment out what the ABV% will likely be. Cheers
  12. BrewWoo

    Red grape

    It certainly hit the spot!
  13. BrewWoo

    Red grape

    3L AJ 1L RGJ, roughly 0.5L water/sugar plus the two cuppa tannin brew topped up to 5L after initial rush/foam had died down.
  14. BrewWoo

    Red grape

    I'm currently drinking a RGJ and an apple juice. Only thing I've drank that tastes kinda the same is a blossom hill rosè. I do it till its dry/finished fermenting.
  15. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    I'm 1000% sure it's finished fermenting, haven't had a peep out the airlock in 3+ days now.
  16. BrewWoo

    Whats everyone drinking?

    Some apple cider/wine crossover while dinner is cooking..!
  17. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Made a WOW using 1L Apple & Raspberry, 1L RGJ, plus the additives. It's finished fermenting now, but there is this cloudy looking fluff on the top, I've given it a shake but it just floats back to the top. Some of it sinks, some of it floats. Should I rack it off through a sieve? Any clue what...
  18. BrewWoo

    Whiskey or Vodka Kits

    A Polish shop just down the road from me (and ironically, no more than 50ft away from the local home brew shop) was busted for selling knock off spirits. Acetone and Xylene were some of the additives. Tasty! :nono:
  19. BrewWoo

    Screw top wine bottles

    A decent pair of scissors will have them off with ease.