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  1. K

    Brew number 3, Muntons Gold IPA

    So excuse me for the rookie question but . . . You mention using the sediment to start off your Geordie bitter, I have not read or heard of this technique yet. :oops: Could you possibly expand on how this works?
  2. K

    Brew number 3, Muntons Gold IPA

    Had a peek inside the FV this morning. The yeast field was almost touching the lid!
  3. K

    First for 40yrs!

    I have not heard of this beer, Watney Red Barrel. Possibly due to the fact that I was a long way off being born when you did your last home brew !
  4. K

    First Brew, a bit nasty...

    I think its about time I invested in some non rinse sanitiser, I do spend a lot of time sanitising and rinsing and this sounds like it will save me some time.
  5. K

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

    So far I have brewed, 5 gallons Premium Ale, Currently brewing 5 gallons Golden IPA. and that is my 2012 total. 10 gallons, I hope to get some more on the go come payday.
  6. K

    HAMBLETONBARD Better Brew Export Lager - WOW!!

    I have been looking for a larger kit to brew for the summer and this has made my mind up! I shall be purchasing this from my local home brew shop when I visit next.
  7. K

    First for 40yrs!

    Was the home brewing 40 years ago that bad or did you just lose interest? Welcome back anyways :cheers:
  8. K

    Brew number 3, Muntons Gold IPA

    Just finished up my Muntons Gold IPA brew kit. Now just got to wait 7-8 days in the FV, transfer to a second FV for another week then bottle it. I'm hoping it will be a nice light beer for the warmer months ahead. Has anyone else used this brew kit??
  9. K


    Hello to all members, I am a rookie home brewer from North Essex. Currently brewing my second batch of ale, first attempt was OK I learnt a lot from it and the beer was drinkable. Looking forward to getting tips and advice from some more experienced folk.