First Brew, a bit nasty...

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Sep 15, 2011
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Ok, got over my first brew using a Coopers lager kit and while its clear and fizzy just like in the pub it has a taste like line cleaner. Now, is this because I made the school boy error of forgetting to rinse the steralising solution out of the bucket AND the bottles?

The next brew is going on shortly and my plan this time is to use bottled water. Its 17p/2l pet bottle in Tesco and this means I get nice clean spring water and 12 2l bottles to use.

Couple of questions... if I tip the water out the bottles and put the lid straight back on, do I need to sterilise them when I come to use them?

And, I was thinking of getting a little bottler, but, will it reach into the 2l bottle OK??

Oh and I've never used bottled water so can't say for sure but you are effectively going to fill a moist environment with non-sterile air.

Then leave it for two weeks...

...I'd sterilise.

Little bottler is brilliant kit but I don't think it will be long enough. The addition of a little bit of syphon tube of the right diameter will extend it suitably I would imagine.

Remember you are going to have to condition in a dark place as your bottles won't absorb whatever frequency of light it is that encourages off-flavours.
Ritchies steriliser and cleaner. Is that ok or do anyone recommend something else?

Yes, I keep the full bottles in the airing cupboard and into the fridge the day before drinking.

I see what you mean, damp inside with air. Thanks, I'll sterilise them.

coozer said:
Couple of questions... if I tip the water out the bottles and put the lid straight back on, do I need to sterilise them when I come to use them?

And, I was thinking of getting a little bottler, but, will it reach into the 2l bottle OK??

you should be ok just to put the lid back on.
the little bottler i have reaches to the bottom of pint bottles but not 2L bottles. you will need to hold the 2L bottle at an angle and let it run down the side (might not be a great idea as it can oxidate the beer i suspect) or buy some tubing to attach to tap and bottler
tazuk said:
mmm did you treat water night befor with a camden tablet if not could it be that :thumb:

The water is in sealed 2l bottles, the top comes off, water into the bucket and lid straight back on until its time to bottle.
The only time i've had a bad brew was when i hadn't rinsed my bottles out properly. If you're using a chlorine based sanitiser such as ritchies or vwp it must be rinsed out extremely thoroughly after as any residue will ruin the beer
I lost a batch to vwp too and it doesn't get better over time. We stick with sodium metabi now contrary to recommendations because its no rinse and we've never had a batch go bad with it. Videne is probably better though.

On the subject of pre sanitizing, I would always sanitize on the day - but we do keep our fvs and demi johns fresh with sodium metabi when they're not in use. No worries about cleanliness then!
If your serious about brewing... and want to save some time get some non rinse sanitiser... when doing kits I used to spend more time washing and sanitising bottles and buckets than I did brewing and drinking the stuff.
Thanks chaps, your experience is much appreciated.

I'm going to try Videne. I used the Ritches cause that was on the shelf in the brew shop when I bought my equipment.

coozer said:
I'm going to try Videne. I used the Ritches cause that was on the shelf in the brew shop when I bought my equipment.

Homebrew shops are sometimes abit behind the times. My LHBS only sells VWP, Richies and another bleach based product. I asked about non-rinse and they seemed sceptical. With out this forum id still be washing.. and washing and rinsing and rinsing.. and then just rinsing some more
I have just started home brewing, and this thread has answered a lot of my questions regarding vwp. I had know idea that you needed to wash it off after ward, caught it just in time lol.
I think its about time I invested in some non rinse sanitiser, I do spend a lot of time sanitising and rinsing and this sounds like it will save me some time.
There's a bit much made of the hangey-aroundness of VWP IMHO.

My standard process for brewing gear is:

- 2 tbsp VWP in FV
- Fill with warm water
- chuck everything required in (paddles, whisk, FV lid, airlock etc etc)
- do other stuff for 15 mins
- take stuff out (using one hand) and rinse under the tap, just the once
- empty FV
- *****
- chuck in about a gallon of fresh
- swirl lots
- use previously used (and relatively sterile) hand to wash down sides
- empty FV partially through tap and the rest by careful pouring and rotating so as to run over all the inside.
- repeat once more from ******
- brew up.

For bottles it's:

- 2 tbsp VWP in FV
- Fill with warm water
- add lots of bottles
- do something else for 5-10 mins
- remove bottles one by one
- rinse outside under running water
- fill with clean cold water
- shake vigorously to empty
- add to bottle tree

And I don't get any bleachey chemical flavours at all and I'm confident that everything that could have lived on my gear now isn't...