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  1. sub82

    Cappuccino Stout

    Siphoned this last night so had the obligatory sample! Not bad - a nice coffee flavour with a creamy feel. Should be better when carbonated. To get a bit of variation, and also for the craic, I've split it and dry hopped half.
  2. sub82

    Cappuccino Stout

    Thanks! Still at the experimental stages of all grain and just trying to get a few under the belt!
  3. sub82

    Cascde Smash

    That's a great link for hopping!
  4. sub82

    Cappuccino Stout

    Higher as in 68oC, like in the recipe?
  5. sub82

    Cappuccino Stout

    Using oats for mouth feel (read that somewhere)! 2,3kg Maris Otter malt 295g Crystal malt (120-140 EBC) 50g Black malt (1300 EBC) 180g Oats Mash in 10l at 65°C for 60 minutes. Hops: 20g Magnum 14.0% for 60 min 1tsp Irish Moss for 15 min 10g Cocoa Powder for 15 min 14g Cascade 7.8% for 0 min...
  6. sub82

    AG#2 : Go Ahead Punk, IPA

    The batch sparging sounds really good. We've only been "fly sparging" so far and have found it difficult to judge when to stop collecting. We found that, towards the end, the wort would start to run clear but would then darken again! Will defos give batch sparging a go...
  7. sub82

    2nd custom AG

    Thanks - we made a raspberry beer before using extract so wanted to see if we can made a palatable AG version. Worried that the citra might be overpowering but we enjoy learning by the seat of our pants!
  8. sub82

    2nd custom AG

    Made our 2nd custom AG today. Malts: crystal, munich, vienna and caramalt. Hops fuggles and citra. Should be interesting, our first batch had too much bittering hops so whilst it tastes good it has a really bitter aftertaste. We've altered the hops for this one in the hope of retaining the...
  9. sub82

    Homebrew Club in Belfast

    Hi Matthew - we'd be up for this and we know a few others who might also be interested. What were you thinking of?
  10. sub82


    Thanks for the welcome! Looking forward to learning more and hopefully contributing too!
  11. sub82


    We've been brewing for 5 years first with kits then extract but this year we've started all grain brewing so trying to get more experience. We used to do more wines and ciders but not as much recently.