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  1. Noah

    Stout started bubbling again!

    It's not the liquorice that's started it off but the contents of the Pontefract Cakes. Here's the list of ingredients from one large manufacturer who can't help sticking gelatine in everything they make; Pontefract Cakes - Ingredients/Contents treacle, glucose syrup, sugar, water, modified...
  2. Noah

    Change one letter game. (4 letter words)

    Tone ………………..
  3. Noah

    Spiced Tea for Winter Brews

    I will do, thanks for the replies. I probably won't use this flavour again as the cinnamon is quite strong although it could mellow down. It's a quick and easy method of adding something to a beer that may otherwise be a bit wanting and great for this time of year.
  4. Noah


    I will never, ever bottle prime again. Batch priming is way better and gives far superior results. I wouldn't rush to bottle after batch priming either, I've left it overnight before where there's been little activity in the S.V., which gives the yeast time to wake up again before bottling .
  5. Noah

    Spiced Tea for Winter Brews

    I made up a pint of tea in a Pyrex jug and added it to the fermented brew where it's now conditioning, just like dry hopping. I can't taste the liquorice but it has a nice warming effect. I see Bulldog have created a Yule Brew using similar ingredients.
  6. Noah

    Change one letter game. (4 letter words)

  7. Noah

    Spiced Tea for Winter Brews

    I've read with interest a couple of threads discussing using liquorice to flavour beer and thought of adding some to my Geordie Winter Warmer as I find it to be a desirable flavour in old type ales. I was in my local health food shop at the weekend and found this tea with all the ingredients to...
  8. Noah

    Bulldog Brews Bad Cat Imperial Red

    I can't say I'm impressed by the three Bulldog kits I've brewed, they've all had that unpleasant artificial flavouring taste. The Easter Stout tastes like cheap cooking chocolate and the Evil Dog like Limoncello. I had the Evil Dog last night after leaving it for 4 months and it hasn't...
  9. Noah

    Hi everyone! I want to grow my brewery

    Doesn't sound snooty to me though the name sounds ostentatious :D. I'm sure you know, craft brewing is a booming industry in the UK and the States. You've got to start somewhere, all the best.
  10. Noah

    Concerned beginner

    It won't have finished fermenting so quickly, I'd say the lid isn't sealing properly. Does the beer look lifeless or is there signs of fermentation on the surface? If there's no life there's something wrong. If there is smear Vaseline around the lid and see if it makes a proper seal.
  11. Noah

    Blue chutney barrel with no plastic grade markings

    Impossible to tell. I know I used containers when I first started brewing which I thought were food grade, the cider tasted like plastic and 5 gallons went down the drain along with 5 gallons of wine in a second container.
  12. Noah

    Brewing virgin - Coopers English Bitter Kit

    Right - where to start? The first thing I would say is leave it in the fermentor and ignore the over ambitious instructions, I've not brewed a beer which hasn't taken longer than the kit stated even in perfect temperatures. This kit was the first one I did when I returned to home brew after...
  13. Noah

    Another stuck Wherry - what can I do??

    Good advice. I read about stuck fermentation with Wherry kits before I started mine and added yeast nutrient at the start thinking that would do it. I was wrong and like others, I'd not had a stuck ferment before.
  14. Noah

    Another stuck Wherry - what can I do??

    No. If you've got a stuck ferment adding less priming sugar won't make it unstuck. You'll just have a sweet, flat beer. I had the same problem, started it before I went on holiday, came home to find it deathly quiet. Hydrometer reading said 1.020. I brewed short too so I boiled a kettle and...
  15. Noah

    Geordie Winter Warmer

    Thanks for your replies. Yes, I'll definitely post the results in about 3 months time. I find it frustrating reading posts where folks post on the beer kit reviews to say they've just started xyz brew and never come back with the results.
  16. Noah

    Razback IPA cockup!

    Not impressed myself but I bought two kits based on the favourable reviews on here. 3 months in the bottle and hardly a hint of hops although I used the hops from both kits in the first one and dry hopped the second.
  17. Noah

    Razback IPA cockup!

    Just leave as is. You've just racked off the lees (dead yeast) and any live yeast cells will still be active as it will be when you prime for bottling. I've brewed 2 of these kits and they both took 23 days at 20 - 24 degrees C. Now if you'd bottled instead of racked you may have had a few...
  18. Noah

    Geordie Winter Warmer

    Help! I went out yesterday to buy a Cooper's Dark Ale kit as a base for a winter brew and neither of the stockists had it so I bought the Geordie Winter Warmer before consulting the oracle. I've brewed short to 15 litres and added 1 kg of Munton's beer enhancer to give an S.G. of 1.055. If...
  19. Noah

    Woodefords admirals reserve

    The malt extract won't have gone off, it's only a couple of months over. Maybe a couple of years and it could still be OK. If you add the yeast and it doesn't start fermenting in 24 hours nip down Tescos or Wilko and buy a pack of Gervin Ale yeast to sprinkle on the top. Job done.
  20. Noah

    Westvleteren 12!!!

    I wouldn't think of drinking the Abt until it was at least a year old and preferably 3 or more otherwise they taste of candy sugar. I don't go for the 8 and the blonde is variable, sometimes it's delicious and sometimes it can be very coarse. Not a big fan of Rochefort myself but I do like the...