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  1. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    Out of interest do the bottles have to be totally dry when bottling, or is a bit of residue from rinsing ok?
  2. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    I will of course report back on how it goes, although it may be a somewhat skewed review as its my first brew so even if it tastes half good i will be happy. I cant comment on how hard or easy it is to brew as i dont have anything to compare to, but my instructions tell me i can ferment...
  3. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    I already have my second kit waiting to go in, i even have a second FV. I don't want to start in that yet though as it has a little bottler attached, so my plan was to transfer the current brew (once ready) into my second FV with the little bottler attached to make bottling easier. Is it ok to...
  4. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    Ok so first brew has been in the FV for 8 days so i decided to take my first reading which was 1012. According to the kit instructions it should drop to 1008/1010, but according to the manufacturer instructions it should drop to around 1005. Either way the airlock is still bubbling, all be it...
  5. simonlpearce

    Still bubbling 7 days in...

    Thanks for the advice. I have a hydrometer but I didn't see much point in opening up the FV whilst it was still bubbling away. Will give it another couple of days then check again n take some readings. I guess it could also just be the pressure still in the FV escaping rather than it still...
  6. simonlpearce

    Still bubbling 7 days in...

    I started my home brew a week ago today, it's been fermenting away nicely all week, yet it's still bubbling... It's been at a fairly constant 22 degrees with little fluctuation. Is this normal? I haven't even opened the FV to see what's going on so should I crack the lid n take a reading or...
  7. simonlpearce

    Storing in keg

    Vodka it is then from now on.
  8. simonlpearce

    Storing in keg

    This is new to me how important is this, i just stuck water in my airlock... :wha:
  9. simonlpearce

    Hello All... Maybe changing my name to beer killer :(

    Ok so i put the VWP into my FV and filled with hot water, then chucked everything else inside. I then rinsed off in cold water :hmm: Fingers crossed it will be ok then...
  10. simonlpearce

    Hello All... Maybe changing my name to beer killer :(

    You have given me the fear now with all your killing of beer... I recently started my first brew which is currently on day 3 and bubbling away nicely. However i stupidly rinsed off my equipment in cold water, so now im paranoid that it will taste rubbish. I will make sure to wash the bottles...
  11. simonlpearce

    Keg Or Bottle

    Must make a mental note to clean my bottles after use rather than just leaving on the side with old beer dregs in!
  12. simonlpearce

    Keg Or Bottle

    :lol: I thought i might have, i just couldn't find it via the search. So far i have gone down the bottling route, but i did buy clear bottles. I dont see this being an issue though as they will either live in a fridge, or under the stairs which has no windows at all. I will however start...
  13. simonlpearce

    Keg Or Bottle

    Interesting reading, i wasn't aware bottle would carbonate better than a keg. Here's a question - Everything i read says green/brown bottles to stop UV light getting in and spoiling the beer, Skunking i think its called. So how come all kegs tend to be white? Is that purely because they don't...
  14. simonlpearce

    Keg Or Bottle

    Ok apologies if this has been discussed a gazillion times before, but when sticking 'keg vs bottle' into the search just about every thread the forum has seen popped up. Anyhow are there any advantages in using a keg over a bottle or vice versa. Lets assume there is ample space for both as i...
  15. simonlpearce


    I did exactly the same. Well actually to be fair the kit i bought didn't tell you to take an OG. From what i can tell its near impossible to go too far from the suggested OG if your kit has one in the instructions, so your end reading should still be reasonably accurate.
  16. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    First batch is in fermenting. Need to get my second batch ordered so I can keep it brewing back to back. The good news is that my local Wilkinsons sell everything needed to brew at reasonable prices, so I should never not have a brew on!
  17. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    Yes i saw something about skunking in regards to clear bottles so will look into getting some brown ones too. To be fair, i will probably drink my way through enough bottles whilst its brewing to have plenty spare. :drink: Either way i should have enough bottles as is for around 2 brews at...
  18. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    Yep i suppose thats a good idea. I have ordered 85 x 500ml clear bottles but from reading on here it looks like i might want to invest in some green/brown ones too. Out of interest roughly how many bottles in you guy's experience does a typical batch fill?
  19. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    In that case then i stand corrected, and will start researching my next batch already. Suppose i will have plenty of time to get one ordered since i can only brew one at a time, so will make sure the next one is here so i can brew back to back. Thanks again for the advice :thumb:
  20. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    Im thinking for my second brew i would like to get something along the lines of an Urthel Saissionnaire (sp). I grew to quite like this when over in Belgium recently. Suppose i should concentrate on getting the first one right before thinking about the second though. Hope to report back in 5...