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  1. B

    Noooooooooooo - the horror

    Thanks for the eulogy, the wake was fun.
  2. B

    Noooooooooooo - the horror

    It wasn't that. When I closed the fridge door the last time, the tap hit the inside of the door, thought nothing of it at the time. Realised after, that the door had tweaked the tap open.
  3. B

    Noooooooooooo - the horror

    Just gone to get a brew out of my barrel, from the fridge in the garage. Open garage door. Sniffs air. Bit beery. Looks at bottom of fridge, puddle. Opens door........... Barrel tap, dripping, approx fifteen pints gone.
  4. B

    sterilising glass beer bottles

    I bought a black dustbin from B&Q, filled with water and Milton (baby bottle steriliser). When I've finished a bottle it gets rinsed and put straight into the bin. Done this for the last 5 brews, never had a bad drink yet. If its good for babies then surely it's good for beer.
  5. B

    Steel City Newbie

    Heyup to you from someone from over the pond, Aston Ponds that is!
  6. B

    Disappointed with my fizz

    Well, I batched with 120g of sugar. One carb drop per bottle. We'll see what it's like at Christmas, that's the due date.
  7. B

    Disappointed with my fizz

    I have bottled a few lagers over the year and not got a constant fizz, quite disappointed with a few if I'm honest. Primed with 8g of sugar per 500ml bottle gave a sweet taint to the brew after conditioning, using one carb drop per 500ml in the bottle didn't give me enough fizz after...
  8. B

    About to bottle a stout.

    Thanks PiddleDribble, going to stick with one drop, the lagers with one in are just the right amount of fizzy.
  9. B

    About to bottle a stout.

    I use carbonation drops to prime my bottles when doing lagers. This is my first stout, would I put in one drop or should I use half teaspoon of sugar instead. Cheers in advance, Dave.
  10. B

    Had a busy day today.

  11. B

    Had a busy day today.

    40 pints a Brewmaker Irish stout, 40 pints Coopers European lager, 1 gallon white, 1 gallon rose and 1 gallon spirit kit for laters.
  12. B

    Brewmaker Irish velvet dark stout.

    Thanks for the reply, I'm off to Balby homebrew shop tomorrow, I will pick up a yeast while I'm there.
  13. B

    Brewmaker Irish velvet dark stout.

    I've been given the above titled Stout with a BBE date of jan 11. Not too bothered about the BBE date as it is in a can and I will only waste a bag of the sweet stuff. There is a sachet of yeast in the top with no date on it, should I get another yeast or just go for it. What sugars should I...
  14. B

    Bleaching, sanitise question.

    In the end, went with a good old washing up liquid and bottle brush scrub. The bottles are currently enjoying an 80 litre/400ml Milton bath for a couple of hours.
  15. B

    Bleaching, sanitise question.

    Just bought myself a dustbin from B&Q to drop my 80 odd Newky brown bottles in. What would be the preferred ratio of bleach/Milton/sanitizer to clean the said bottles. Thanks in advance, Dave.
  16. B

    Bottling question.

    Top Man, advice taken and will be acted on. Thank you. :cheers:
  17. B

    Saying hi

    Thanks chaps.
  18. B

    Bottling question.

    Thanks for the reply, Pittsy. Should they be moved to a temp between 18-24'c (conservatory) or higher, say 27'c. I have a small bedroom with a CCTV dvr and a home server running, this room is usually around 27'c all year round.
  19. B

    Bottling question.

    Hi, I'm brewing a Coopers European lager, it has been in the garage for the past two weeks, at a constant 13/14'c. Starting at a og of 1038 and slowly coming down, 1018 so far so good. Going to leave for another week or two. When I prime and bottle this brew, would I be right in moving it to a...
  20. B

    Saying hi

    Hi, I'm Dave, just started brewing again after a 20 year hiatus. Things have sure moved on abit. Done a few wine kits, and two lager kits since Christmas.