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  1. T

    conditioning in keg

    If I was to 'reprime with sugar', what do I do? How would I get the priming solution into the beer? Just syringe it into the opening for the valve? Much appreciated...
  2. T

    conditioning in keg

    How do you use those CO2 gas valve things? I take it the bulb is attached to a valve screwed into the keg, but each time you draw beer off, do you pump a little bit of CO2 back into the keg?
  3. T

    conditioning in keg

    Aahhhh, that's what those CO2 thingys are for.
  4. T

    conditioning in keg

    Hi brew gang I have had a look through the search function to try and find an answer, but I have not been successful. So here goes... In my limited brewing experience, I have been using a bucket FV, siphoning into primed bottles to condition, then drink after suitable time. So far so good...
  5. T

    sterilising a keg

    cheers guys. 20 years? oh I don't know, but its certainly been around a good long while. It was cleaned and sealed and put in the loft (in the dark). it seems pretty sturdy. I've been hauling it around full to the brim with water. Handles not come off yet :thumb: Anyway, it's currently full...
  6. T

    Second hand fridge, be warned!

    It sure is. This process of freeze 'distillation' produces Applejack. Its been done for centuries - and was a sneaky way to circumvent distillation laws by claiming that a cask of cider was accidentally left out over the winter :whistle: With the ice periodically removed,the ABV increases.
  7. T

    sterilising a keg

    Thanks for your replies guys. It's been stored in the dark, and I've already filled it right up with hot water and fairy liquid. Picked it up by the handle no problem. Even cleaned it a bit. I'll try the oxyclean approach. Hoppyland, when you say you use neat, thin bleach to sterilise - is...
  8. T

    sterilising a keg

    hi brewgang Been a while since I've been here, hope all is well. My dad has provided me with a plastic keg (20 litres-ish) with tap that he requests is returned to him filled with bitter. I gonna brew him a kit in a standard fermentation barrel, then transfer the beer to this keg, primed, and...
  9. T

    Hi guys - sanitising question

    Yeah, I'd thought I'd noticed a bit of chemically taste on my brews. Cheers yeastmaster I'll check out that link too chippy, ta :)
  10. T

    Hi guys - sanitising question

    Hi peeps Ain't been here for a while - been busy tho; got three brews done for Christmas drinking plus my brew buddy has a new kid so he's busy with nappies. Anyway, my query is this: We currently use Bruclens from Wilko as our sanitiser for the FV and bits and pieces, plus the bottles when...
  11. T

    just a quickie; buying malt extract

    howdy gang it's been a while. i hope everyone has been brewing well. i've just been enjoying my last batch of wherry.:drunk: four bottles left now...:shock: Anyway, a quick (and probably simple) question. how long does malt extract tend to keep before i have to use it? does it have a...
  12. T

    Second Brew scheduled

    though i should say it's beneficial to make sure you have enough bottle caps before you get started...
  13. T

    Second Brew scheduled

    wherry bottled :thumb:
  14. T

    bottling when bubbling

    hmm, it's been nearly four weeks and the airlock is still bubbling. i've done two SG readings three days apart, both readings 1010. but with the lid back on, the airlock starts bubbling again. it's only my second brew. I'm tempted to bottle. My mate says to be patient and wait for the airlock...
  15. T

    Second Brew scheduled

    left it over a week and have just done another SG - 1010 bit more like it. do another SG tomorrow and we'll see. Airlock on the FV is still bubbling though, which i find a bit odd
  16. T

    bottling when bubbling

    coolio. I thought 1016 was quite high too. I don't want any bottle bombs because i'm keeping them indoors to condition. If any blow up, the wife will go mad. i'll just be patient... thanks guys! :thumb:
  17. T

    bottling when bubbling

    My FV has been happily bubbling away fermenting a Wherry kit. It's been over two weeks and it hasn't stopped bubbling yet (it's bubbling less than when it started, of course) I'm doing SG readings (second one tonight) and i'm wondering... do the two SG readings have to be exactly the same to...
  18. T

    Second Brew scheduled

    by gum! its been two weeks bubbling away nicely. did the first SG reading (1.016) last night and going to do another tonight to confirm its finished fermenting and to bottle on Sunday. Was mightily impressed when the lid came off the FV; the beer foam had reached all the way up to the lid...
  19. T

    beer life

    interestingly, Roger Protz in his book 200 beers to try before you die (a christmas present :thumb: ) suggests buying bottled Worthingtons White Shield beer and laying it down for some years to let the flavours develop...