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  1. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Don't know if many people have tried adding oak chips. I had some sitting around so thought I'd give it a try. I had a number of demijohns of wine which were a few months old. I'd run out of bottles. I had already tried adding oak chips to my bramble wine which had been very one dimensional and...
  2. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Its 100 percent juice, says 3 and a half apples, three clementines, half a pinapple, half a mango and half a passion fruit. I am a little worried that anything with orange will turn out bad like your initial orange wine. I am sure your right. I should mix it with grape juice. Shame they didn't...
  3. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    This evening I found 100% pure pressed juice reduced in Morrisons from �£1.39 to 9p. I bought 16x 1 litre bottles. I was happy to pay 9p just for the empty bottles as I needed some decent ones. I am thinking of making wine with at least some of it but have not got any grape juice to...
  4. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    This seems to be a good price for glycerin. ���£1.35 for 200 ml in boots, marketed for coughs. Was buying small 35ml bottles for about 60p at the supermarket in the baking section. As far as I can tell glycerin glycerine and glycerol seem to be the same...
  5. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Since my previous posts, I have allowed the other demijohns of wine to mature longer. I have discovered that the harshness that I talked about in the first demijohn I tasted was actually the result of it not being mature enough. It was on the cusp of 3 weeks when I tasted it. When I watered it...
  6. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Have to say, now that I added the water, a touch of sugar and chilled some in the fridge, it actually tastes delicious.
  7. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    I think it will be fine with a little tinkering. Its a shame its not possible to taste each others wine to compare.
  8. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    this was for 1 litre rgj & berries and 1 litre of rgj strawberry and kiwi. i initially used 854g of sugar, then realised I'd need to add to that for a 5 litre container so added another 90g of sugar and 250 ml of juice a few days later.
  9. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    okay, I will hold off on adding the sugar. I want to experiment a bit before I decide what to do with the bulk of the wine. I just tried adding water, tasting and doing gravity readings to a small sample and find that when I have added enough water to bring the gravity up to .995 it tastes...
  10. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    First taste of my first attempt: I put stabiliser and finings into my RGJ and strawberry kiwi today. I could see that it had already cleared a fair bit in matter of five hours so I just poured out a bit into a glass to try. First impressions were: not bad but a little harsh and acidic. I don't...
  11. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Don't think my syphon has a sediment trap unfortunately. I think though this is one advantage of having used 5 litre water bottles rather than glass demijohns, as unlike a glass DJ, the containers have a wide hole at the top and a short neck meaning that it should be much easier to spoon out...
  12. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    For the strawberry one I was going to get a sterilised spoon and take off a lot of that thick residue at the top before racking. Is that the best way to deal with it would you say?
  13. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Thanks Chippy Yes I can see the wisdom of having the extra headroom for the degassing, i have a drill attachment like you use. Okay, I will top up with juice for the 5 litre ones - just to clarify though, should I add it while it is still fermenting so that the sugar can be turned to alcohol or...
  14. W

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Hi I discovered this thread a few days ago. It has been very helpful to someone like me who wants to keep costs down. I have done a celler 7 wine kit before but this is way cheaper and I'm hopeful that I can just do these instead if they turn out well. Yesterday I started my first batch thanks...