Heat pumps are they a waste of money?

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
I was watching BBC News earlier and they visit the woman below who has a heat pump and battery which she charges up when prices are low it costs here £100 a week using the heat pump and battery and £170 when not using the battery which she says was close to the price she was paying when using gas so as she says herself the heat pump is only saving her a tiny amount of money if any and they cost far more to install, i have always been sceptical about the claims made about heat pumps i will not be installing one until i am forced to.
They are now saying no new gas boilers should be installed after 2035.





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I was watching BBC News a few minutes ago and they visit the woman below who has a heat pump and battery which she charges up when prices are low it costs here £100 a week using the heat pump and battery and £170 when not using the battery which she says was close to the price she was paying when using gas so as she says herself the heat pump is only saving her a tiny amount of money if any and they cost far more to install
So at the moment her setup is saving her £70/week = £3,640/year.

If £170/week is "close to the price she was paying when using gas" then she was paying close to £10k/year - this is not an average house.

Octopus are offering heat pumps from £500 :

The main problem with heat pumps in the UK is that although they produce ~4 units of heat for every 1 unit of electricity, our electricity is nearly 4x the price of gas so you don't save. On my bill, electricity is 3.84x the price/kWh of gas. Compare that with other European countries - somewhere I've seen this graph for domestic prices but I can only find industrial prices for now. Is it any wonder that Scandinavia has the most heat pumps ?

The UK has the most expensive electricity relative to gas of any country in Europe, which makes heat pumps less attractive than gas boilers. And the reason for that is that we tax electricity much more than gas. Which there was an argument for when we made a lot of electricity from coal. But it's crazy now that emissions from electricity are less than those of gas and importing half our gas, the pendulum needs to swing the other way.

This paper goes into more detail based on 2022 figures. The straight tax alone is the equivalent of €1.24 per MWh on gas, €12.10 per MWh on heating oil, and €57.60 per MWh on electricity, and UK carbon taxes add another €18/MWh on electricity. At the very least, we should aim to equalise those over time, shouldn't we? You could eg even have a tax-free allowance for each household to load it onto heavier users and avoid the "what about the pensioners?" complaints. And in fact the paper suggests that if we were to fully reflect the environmental impact we are undertaxing gas and heating oil by 96% and 73% respectively, while overtaxing electricity by 212%. Say 2p/kWh on gas and 4p/kWh off electricity which would change the ratio on my bill from 3.84x to just under 2.5x, which is more normal but still above average for Europe. That would significantly improve the attractiveness of heat pumps.

This is the sort of thing that should have been fixed under the 2020-24 government but they didn't really have any interest in actually governing the country.
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Will gas boilers be banned in 2035?​

According to the latest reports (Jan. 7th), all plans to ban the sale of new gas boilers in 2035 have been scrapped. A Government source confirmed that there will no longer be an enforced ban and that people will not have to remove gas boilers from their homes.

The previous government vowed to ban the sale of new gas boilers as an additional measure to the last ‘Future Homes Standards’. At the time climate experts welcomed the bay, although warned that delay in enforcing the measure could make it “unthinkable” to achieve net zero targets.
At present it’s still unclear exactly how the current Government will approach home heating with any future plans to reduce the country's carbon emissions. Some insider indications suggest that intense backlash of the initial plans could have forced the change in direction. With primary concerns being that low carbon alternatives are still not an affordable option to all.
The main problem with heat pumps in the UK is that although they produce ~4 units of heat for every 1 unit of electricity, our electricity is nearly 4x the price of gas so you don't save. On my bill, electricity is 3.84x the price/kWh of gas. Compare that with other European countries - somewhere I've seen this graph for domestic prices but I can only find industrial prices for now. Is it any wonder that Scandinavia has the most heat pumps ?

Not only is the price of electric 4 times the price of gas if i wanted to install a heat pump i would have a nightmare -

Price of boiler.

I do not have anywhere to put a water cylinder.

My radiators and pipes are donkeys years old they use very narrow pipe (think 10mm) i imagine that would need replacing throughout the whole house including buried in the concrete floor in the kitchen and downstairs bathroom.

2 year warranty on labour, workmanship and parts.

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‘My heat pump works so badly in winter I have to use my wood stove’
Homeowners resort to pollution-heavy alternatives to pick up the slack from net zero devices

“I’m seriously considering replacing my heat pump with a modern modulating condensing low-temperature oil boiler that would have a likely payback period of five years. A replacement heat pump would never pay for itself.”


They are supposedly the greenest form of home heating. But even in the most well-insulated properties, homeowners are turning to polluting wood-burning stoves to pick up the slack from inefficient heat pumps.

Among them is Stephen Coombs, whose home is the model of energy efficiency.

“I’m not a net zero nut,” he says, “but I have to say my house is normally a consistent temperature and I like it very much.”

To heat the property, Coombs was presented with two choices: oil or electricity. He ultimately opted for the latter, conscious that an increasingly green-minded government was trying to push off-grid homes away from oil-fired boilers and towards electricity-powered heat pumps.

For the most part, he says the heat pump performed as expected. The machine’s coefficient of performance (COP, the measure of a heat pump’s efficiency) averaged at 2.2. A typical gas boiler, by contrast, has a much lower average COP of between 0.7 and 0.8.

“If you want to be comfortable with underfloor heating and heat a room to 21C, you want the surface temperature to be around 27C,” Coombs explains.

Radiators, by contrast, must reach higher temperatures of around 35C to heat a room to the same temperature. But there’s a big snag.

“During the last couple of weeks with freezing temperatures, the COP fell to 1.7,” Coombs says. “With electricity at four to five times the cost of gas, it is easy to calculate that my heat pump costs around twice that of a 90pc efficient condensing gas boiler.”

To supplement his heat pump, Coombs has begun using a wood stove. Though still popular for those looking for an extra boost to their heating on cold winter nights, there are concerns about the health and potential environmental impacts of burning wood in your home.

A number of home owners have told The Telegraph that they have had to resort to burning additional fuel because their heat pump cannot make their home warm enough in sub-zero temperatures.

One reader said that she had “burnt half a rainforest” heating her home, on top of using a gas heater.

Heat pumps lose efficiency in cold weather because the machines must expend more energy to extract the same amount of heat from the air outdoors.

Analysis by the Energy Utilities Alliance (EUA) found that heat pumps cost around £4 more per day to run in sub-zero temperatures than gas boilers. Notwithstanding its effect on the environment, logs are expensive.

“Legislation requires that the wood has a moisture content of less than 20pc,” explains Coombs. Logs must be either kiln-dried or stored for several years before they can be used, driving up the price of wood.

“I feel this cost should be factored into the heat pump vs gas comparison,” Coombs says.

“With the current drive for increased wind and solar generation, electricity can only become more expensive.

“I’m seriously considering replacing my heat pump with a modern modulating condensing low-temperature oil boiler that would have a likely payback period of five years. A replacement heat pump would never pay for itself.”

Not only is the price of electric 4 times the price of gas if i wanted to install a heat pump i would have a nightmare -
That's standard, peak-level electricity. A lot of companies offer cheap tariffs aimed at heat pumps where the prices is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than the day rate, about 40% cheaper and probably 1.5x times the price of gas.

Remember that gas boilers are 80-90% efficient (as a lot of the heat goes out the flue), this is actually much cheaper than gas at this point.

If £170/week is "close to the price she was paying when using gas" then she was paying close to £10k/year - this is not an average house.
We can probably presume that this is what she is paying in February, when it's cold, and that her heating bills in August will be significantly cheaper.

My gut is saying she hasn't looked at sensible tariffs designed for heat pumps and is essentially paying way over the necessary price for heating.
Its difficult to believe these things are any good when you read comments like this from people who have had them installed and who i am sure looked into the price of electricity etc before they did -

“I’m seriously considering replacing my heat pump with a modern modulating condensing low-temperature oil boiler that would have a likely payback period of five years. A replacement heat pump would never pay for itself.”

“During the last couple of weeks with freezing temperatures, the COP fell to 1.7,” Coombs says. “With electricity at four to five times the cost of gas, it is easy to calculate that my heat pump costs around twice that of a 90% efficient condensing gas boiler.”
who i am sure looked into the price of electricity
Coombs says. “With electricity at four to five times the cost of gas,
Octopus gas.
Unit price: 6.42p/kWh

Octopus cosy electricity price.
Cosy rate (04:00 - 07:00, 13:00 - 16:00 & 22:00 - 00:00):
12.92p / kWh

This is twice the price of gas, not "four to five times".

This took me under a minute of searching.

Conclusion. Coombs is a dümbass and absolutely has not looked at the price of electricity.
Its difficult to believe these things are any good when you read statists like this from people who have had them installed
I had exactly the same thing when getting cavity wall insulation done. Lots and lots and lots of stories on the internet of people who have had it installed, had to have it removed, walls went soggy, problems with damp, stories stories stories.

I did my research, got a decent installer. Never had any problems at all. When we had a section of the wall modified for a woodburner, we looked into the cavity with its filling (which had been there for >1 year) - bone dry. It's been there for 13 years. House is so much warmer and probably save many £k of heating over the years.

One (or indeed many) scare stories of "things don't work for me" doest' mean they never work for anyone
Living in an area with no gas we are regularly told we can have free solar and heat pump system. The problem is -

1 - the cowboys that come and fit them, they make hell of a mess and leave equipment laying around for months.

2 - without a battery in winter it becomes a massive amount to run.

3 - nobody locally will service or repair them. This information is from stuff I have read on line and from the countless locals that have converted on the promise of cheaper power.

I have been considering getting solar fitted but we are not going electric car yet so I may hold on.
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Cavity wall is easy to work out if your wall has 3 bricks lenth ways then one edge on you have no cavity to speak of, mainly older terraced houses, these are the horror stories you read about were cowboys convince it's ok to do
I don't know why they are complaining.
We are in a modest 1970 3 bed semi.
We heat with an air conditioner type heat pump (previously storage heaters).
We have solar & 10kwh battery & use octopus cosy tariff.
Water heating is still done with immersion heater.
Over this winter we peaked at around £4 a day. Monthly bills for Jan & Feb were £100 and £106.
And it's not like we had any sun to get more than a token few watts from the panels.

So I can only think these people are leaving their doors & windows wide open, have no roof insulation or live in some vast mansion.
Millipede = Ed Milliband. One of Rod's oh-so-clever nicknames.
Green dream = trying to do something to protect the environment ("green") rather than going "Me Boomer, don't give flying toss about planet for future generations"
Oh, so why haven't the government switched all these green charges onto gas and removed them from electric to encourage the switch.
Same withental standing charges. 20p.a day for gas, yet more than 60p for electric.
Millipede = Ed Milliband. One of Rod's oh-so-clever nicknames.
Green dream = trying to do something to protect the environment ("green") rather than going "Me Boomer, don't give flying toss about planet for future generations"
Thats me all over, enjoy your time here on planet earth, nothing you say or do will make not 1 iota bit of difference to the green dream

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