Spent a very enjoyable Friday evening at Lymestone Brewery in Stone. Cracking beer and a very hospitable owner giving a knowledgable talk / tour.
Now I’m sampling my TT Landlord clone. My, a couple of weeks conditioning has been great for this. Sample on transfer had some strong yeasty flavours I wasn’t sure would condition out, but now I’m getting the pleasant stone fruit flavours, even if it hasn’t dropped clear yet. Planning a couple more brews with the top cropped 1469 yeast.. it seems a belter!
Now I’m sampling my TT Landlord clone. My, a couple of weeks conditioning has been great for this. Sample on transfer had some strong yeasty flavours I wasn’t sure would condition out, but now I’m getting the pleasant stone fruit flavours, even if it hasn’t dropped clear yet. Planning a couple more brews with the top cropped 1469 yeast.. it seems a belter!