Will we see these on the houses and in gardens here?
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These are all very well, but I thought you need a big garden, live in a windy location & get planning permission to put up a bloody great pole/tower.
I suppose someone could stick them on the tops of high rises.
I don't think I've got space in my postage stamp garden to mount guy ropes to support something that tall even if it didn't need planning.Off the top of my head I think you only need planning if they are going to be over a certain height.....10-15m is ringing bells but I might be wrong.
Looks interesting but at 1.5m I think it would be too large to fit on a house roof.
Some time ago there was a TV aricle on a small wind turbine. It spun vertically (like the top vent on a refrigerated van) and was small enough not to look out of place. One scene showed several on a roof to make up the required output. I have searched but have yet to find who makes it - just wondered if any one can point me in the right direction. G
Well you might be surprised. At least wind turbines work at night, no matter how many solar panels and generating capacity you have, when the sun goes down you're getting nowt. People who talk about their solar installations are very much like gamblers, they only tell you when they win. Mate of mine boasts how little his electricity bill is in summer thanks to his solar, but he's very quiet over the winder months... Lots of real life experiences, positive and negative, on the web so like heat pumps, these things can work but needs alot of thinking about the installation. One example below from someone who's been running both wind and solar for a long time suggests that solar is not quite as good as it is often advertised and wind is actually probably a better bet all year round if you can go that route.Well to put it in context, last year I had a 4.5kw solar panel system installed, with a 10kw battery and inverter for £8k
So using the larger of the two turbines mentioned above, I'd need 6 of them. At £2500 each, I'd be in for £15000 without accounting for mounting poles, inverter, house wiring and a battery system.
Plus I would suggest that in most of the uk, we get more sunshine than we get 30mph wind throughout the year.