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I have bought in some Warminster MO to try a bitter with it. Just doing a taste comparison with my normal base Simpsons GP.
Brewed a lager of sorts on Saturday, went smoothly enough, I just hope it attenuates properly. Also got to try out a couple of small mods I made to the whole process over the holidays (the mill extension and bewzilla temp guage). Both worked out pretty well.

The only real disaster was that my Brewfather inventory said I had 4.5 Whirlfloc tablets left and for the life of me I couldn't find them. So cloudy lager it is.

90.1% Pilsner
4.8% Munich II
2.6% Melanoidin
2.4% Carapils
for OG of 1.048 with a mash of 52 (15mins) - 63 (30mins) - 69 (40mins) - 76 (10 mins)

80 min boil - 7 IBU Magnum 80mins, 9 IBU Hersbrucker 40 mins, 2 IBU Hersbrucker 5 mins.
WHC Hoppin Pils for yeast @ 11C. Hoping for 1.009 to 1.012 🤞

I brewed, or rather began to brew, my first ever kombucha today.

Initially the idea was to get a five litre fermentation bucket with a tap but since the 15 litre ones are half the price, it's going to have a huge amount of headspace.

Forgot to take any pics, but I'm sure most of you know what it looks like, a giant slimy scotch pancake floating in a bucket of tea...
I'm planning my next brew...kegged the Simply bitter and moved the Simply pale to the fv fridge as its decided to kick off again...probably isomerwhatsisnsme after adding the dry hop. It smells amazing! It's getting a couple of days at 20 then getting crashed to 3 to clear the rocky krausen and hopefully be kegged next week.
Had another go at my Red IPA at the weekend, like the old school John Palmer one with a load of crystal in it. Taste has always been good but I've landed on black (1.8% Roasted Barley) and orange (1% Carafa Special 3) the last couple of times so I've tried in-between for the addition now in the hope of getting a decent colour at 1.2% Roasted Barley. Still a bit orange looking coming out of the kettle but we'll see after the fermentation, they normally darken after the dry hop.

Today I had an idea: I make parsnip stout and oatmeal stout; why not a oatmeal parsnip stout? Except that the parsnip process is a boiling/simmering one rather than a mashing one, so I'm not sure how much effect bunging in some oatmeal will have. But after a bit of humming and ha-ing, I decided on adding 180 g of oatmeal to my normal 7,5 litre nominal batch size. I'll check the gravity, and if it's gone up much, I can dilute with water.
Brewday from hell today. Making 5 Points Best the following went wrong
1. Only had 1200g of Maris Otter not 3200g as in my spreadsheet, used 2000g of Pilsner malt.
2. My Protafloc tablets disappeared. I had some Irish Moss luckily.
3. Following the sparge on my AIO I was pressing the grain to extract more wort when the bottom plate collapsed dumping all the grain back into the wort. Resorted to sieve and jug to recover but lost wort.
4. I recently bought a pump and the connection to my bucket came away putting about a litre of wort on the floor.
Ended up with 17 litres in the fermenter when aiming for 21 or 22. As the OG was higher the expected I liquored back with 1.5 litres.
Irish red ale, 14l batch. OG 1043, est final 1010, 4.3% abv. Maris otter base, whack of Cara amber and some roasted barley. Gently hopped with fuggles and EKG. Going to dry hop with 20g of EKG for three days after primary. Pitched with S-04 starter and bubbling within an hour. Makes a change from my usual strong IPAs.

First time using my ispindle. Away for a few days for work so good to know how my baby is doing.
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I had a lot of trouble with this last batch of a 25kg bag of Veloria Schooner. The BH efficiency dropped from 63% to 52%, which was driving me mad. So, thankfully, this is the last brew with that bag what is left is pigeon tucker.
I think it may have something to do with the humidity when I bought it, the humidity lasted a week or more. Even so it shouldn't have made a 10% point difference.
Brewing a Burton Bridge Bitter clone from Wheelers book used to enjoy this a few years ago but with more experience it could come out a lot better.
Dough in and after a few minutes of stirring, left the Guten to carry on with the mash @ 67C with the return valve fully open.
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Temperature consistent top and bottom throughout the mash. Iodine test shows good conversion.
In with the speciality malts, in this case light crystal and Carapils.
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Hoist out the grain basket and give the mashed grain a good squeeze. Vorlouf until running clear
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1,046 was the target with temperature adjustment weighed in @ 1,048. Nicely clear into the fermenter.

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