Self-service checkouts

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
I never use them i prefer the the manned tills, i believe if you have alcohol you have to get an assistant to authorise so a bit of a PITA.

Do you prefer a manned till to self service?

The rise and fall of self-service checkouts

Have we fallen out of love with self-scanning? As Asda and Morrisons admit these checkouts might have gone too far, and amid an epidemic of ‘middle-class shoplifting’, Helen Coffey investigates whether the personal touch might be making a comeback

Unexpected item in bagging area.

As you hear the five most exasperating words in the English language, you pause your scanning. Pick up the previous item. Gently put it back down.

“Unexpected item in bagging area.”

You do a different kind of scanning now, looking up and down the checkout area, searching hopelessly for a familiar flash of uniform that means help is coming. Nothing.

Eventually the cavalry arrives, harried and grim-faced, to stab at the screen until the overzealous robot is appeased. You exchange tight smiles. They disappear to attend to the multitude of other beleaguered shoppers.

You scan the next item.

“Unexpected item in bagging area.”

And on and on it goes, round and round, forever and ever, ad infinitum.

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My reason for NOT now shopping in Asda is the absolute sh1tshow I experienced at the Wrexham store probably nearly a year ago..
I don't usually use self check out but that day the others were very busy and I was in a rush.
Yes,they won't let you buy booze,I expected this...the girl "in charge" chose to ignore the bell or whatever then when she finished yapping,rolled her eyes,stomped over and authorised the till.
Then it wouldn't accept my money...I only had a £50 note. She ignored all my attempts to get her to come over as she was again too busy flapping her jaw. So I waved even more and shouted "YOOO!HOOO!" at which she flipped her lid said she wasn't putting up with that! And stormed off!
I walked..never been back since.
I never use them i prefer the the manned tills, i believe if you have alcohol you have to get an assistant to authorise so that me screwed. :D

The rise and fall of self-service checkouts
Have we fallen out of love with self-scanning? As Asda and Morrisons admit these checkouts might have gone too far, and amid an epidemic of ‘middle-class shoplifting’, Helen Coffey investigates whether the personal touch might be making a comeback

View attachment 107892
And that's a pic of epos till, not an express checkout 🤔
Our local Tesco setup works well for what is locally called “scan as ye gan” (barcode readers you use to beep stuff as you stick it in your trolly). Yes, someone has to authorise over 21 stuff but it takes seconds. Took me a while to realise that the high number of “random” check scans was because I was wearing a baseball cap which I now remove.
The supermarket expects a certain amount of pilfering through these tils...its still cheaper than paying someone.
I wonder how many get away with it and if you're really liable to mistakes genuine or other as no one has been given training on how to use them.
The supermarket expects a certain amount of pilfering through these tils...its still cheaper than paying someone.
I wonder how many get away with it and if you're really liable to mistakes genuine or other as no one has been given training on how to use them.
That would make an interesting court case "not trained"
Whoever coined the phrase "Unexpected item in bagging area" deserves to be committed to the seventh circle of hell.

In some places they're fine because they've effectively doubled the number of checkouts, making it faster to check out... as long as there's enough staff to do the age verification or quickly resolve issues.
That's quite melodramatic. In my experience (FTR, I avoid Asda as it's *****)

i believe if you have alcohol you have to get an assistant to authorise so a bit of a PITA.
You do. They are normally quickish and you are left waiting for maybe 15-60s. You learn this, and so if you scan the booze at the start of your shopping, it flashes yellow and a till womble will be over to authorize your age whilst you are still scanning, meaning you don't suffer any delay. PITA is a huge overstretch
As you hear the five most exasperating words in the English language, you pause your scanning. Pick up the previous item. Gently put it back down.

“Unexpected item in bagging area.”
Yeah, this is a pain. Normally a till womble is over in about 30s

You do a different kind of scanning now, looking up and down the checkout area, searching hopelessly for a familiar flash of uniform that means help is coming. Nothing.

Eventually the cavalry arrives, harried and grim-faced, to stab at the screen until the overzealous robot is appeased. You exchange tight smiles. They disappear to attend to the multitude of other beleaguered shoppers.
That's hugely melodramatic. It's normally not much of a problem. A minor irritation, and you end up waiting far less than in the queues manned by till staff.
You scan the next item.

“Unexpected item in bagging area.”

And on and on it goes, round and round, forever and ever, ad infinitum.
Yes but most stores have a policy of you must look at least 25 to make sure they do not sell to anybody under 18.
You have to provide ID if challenged
Ps if they are caught selling to anybody under 18 they are SACKED hence the safety net of 25