Gregg Wallace hits out at 'handful' of accusers

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
Do you find it strange that he has worked with thousands of women from all age groups and backgrounds over many years and only now have these people come forward?

Edit to add - i know he is a bit of a marmite character i don't mind him and we have watched MasterChef for many years so if you answer this can you base the answer on the facts we know do far not your opinion of him as a celebrity, thanks.

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Do you find it strange that he has worked with thousands of women from all age groups and backgrounds over many years and only now have these people come forward?

Edit to add - i know he is a bit of a marmite character i don't mind him and we have watched MasterChef for many years so if you answer this can you base the answer on the facts we know do far not your opinion of him as a celebrity, thanks.

Like saying a rapist didn't rape one woman because he has encountered thousands of women in their life time.
I'm on the fence with this one. I'm normally on the "You're a pervert, you've been called out and everyone thinks you're a pervert"

However, I'm struggling a bit here with "Sexual Harrassment" being telling smutty jokes.

I work with a guy who is South African. I promise you, he really isn't racist and the reason he's here is because he absolutely hates racism and his white British Father was arrested in the 1980s for inviting his Black work colleagues and their families over for a brai (South African BBQ) and to use the pool! As soon as he could, he came over here as he has a British passport.

However, he worked on the trading floors in the City for 25 years before working in the public sector. So he says things which in our place are unacceptable. I'm not talking huge things, just some of his sayings that he brought over from banking where it's proper dog eat dog - people screaming at each other. Saying things which frankly in everyday life would have you fired on the spot.

One of the things he said in a meeting the other day, my Manager simply said "Sorry, that's not an acceptable thing to say, so I'd suggest you don't say it again". Case closed. Won't be said again.

No-one was offended. No-one was reprimanded or disciplined.

You've probably seen from the way I am here, I don't accept racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia or xenophobia.
But I'll tell you to your face. I'll be firm, but not offensive.

I have no idea why these women said "He kept saying rude jokes, being offensive and smutty" and not one of them turned round and said "Gregg, you know, that's offensive. Don't do it again".

Shut it down. Job done.
I don't care if Gregg said smutty jokes etc....
I just find it a bit exclusive that in the current hysteria we are developing in that nearly everyone can be offended due to something someone else said last year on behalf of someone they never met that city bankers can call anyone anything they like and it's apparently OK...
I'm definitely not a snowflake...but I wonder if the women traders if there's any complain or are told to put up or shut up or their bank has a special policy for traders.
If this is true it really is a load of old sh1te.
I've worked in factories for the past 30 years where the women don't leave anything to the imagination...language,jokes, behaviour or otherwise...
Each to their own and all that...granted,that's in THAT environment.
What I struggle with is two tier systems where "blind eyes" get turned coz it's certain people breaking the rules.
I've seen it all...."inappropriate behaviour" and language to female staff,thieving by managers...all which was put down to "mistakes,GENUINE errors...what the fk is that? and didn't mean it"...corruption is the real word...and the sack they should have had. So...either we're ALL subject to the rules or no one is.
I don't care if Gregg said smutty jokes etc....
I just find it a bit exclusive that in the current hysteria we are developing in that nearly everyone can be offended due to something someone else said last year on behalf of someone they never met that city bankers can call anyone anything they like and it's apparently OK...
I'm definitely not a snowflake...but I wonder if the women traders if there's any complain or are told to put up or shut up or their bank has a special policy for traders.
If this is true it really is a load of old sh1te.
I'm not sure there were many lady traders. And the ones that did probably had bigger balls than the men.

He got out because despite earning a couple of hundred grand a year, at 45, he was way too old and was made redundant.

You can pretend sexism, ageism and any other ism doesn't exist there. It really does.

He was also very happy to be out of that snakepit.
To some equality means 51% in their favour, 50/50 means they are being F’d over…

Some women want to make the smutty jokes but don’t want to be told one, and some men rage if they hear it from a woman but can throw out the filth regardless of the audience.

Almost guaranteed that Wallace will be done over by the media and his career all but ended.
However, I'm struggling a bit here with "Sexual Harrassment" being telling smutty jokes.
Like saying a rapist didn't rape one woman because he has encountered thousands of women in their life time.
Exactly this is about jokes not rape something that is not a criminal act and if it telling jokes was something he didn't see as being wrong surely he would have told them to many more of the 4000 women he worked with, I find it strange it's only 13 women from the professional series no others have come forward.
Almost guaranteed that Wallace will be done over by the media and his career all but ended.

Spot on.

I think this is a version of playground antics, from people who have lost their sense of understanding and compassion for anyone but themselves.
I am proper old school it's not that i am a grumpy old git it's the era i grew up in, even my kids and some of my friends say to me you can't say that and i am like why, yep we deffo live in a wimpy world
In my 60 odd years I have seen religious and gender bigotry, racism and other hates have rightly gone from accepted speach to the social cancer status that they are. They still exist but are subdued in our society

However the pendulum has gone too far in the opposite direction we are now in a place where people are more frightened of being caught using the wrong language than they are of the Law. Orwell had a point !

The BBC need to work out where they really stand here. They have traded on Wallace being a cheeky chappy barrow boy type for years, now when it turns out he behaves like a cheeky chappy barrow boy in real life they turn on him as soon as the optics turn sour.
My view, these people don't live in the real world were banter is everyday life, my wife used to work in in factory which was mostley female with a few male engineers who she says were subjected to abuse every day
My exact thought Rod he may be a bit pervy? but it needs to stop as if it was applied to most ordinary work environments loads of people would be out of work.
Ps I do not condone it but it happens in the real world and it works both ways female and male.
I think some of us when where just starting out our work being fresh you men have been thrown to the wolves in mainly female work places and yes I was young once in the early seventies working in a mainly female supermarket and they would corner you in the warehouse.
It's not appropriate for people to make jokes about rape or detail their sex life to strangers/random colleagues in the workplace. Just because it happens in other workplaces likewise does not make it right. In my workplace I would be in deep **** if I went around doing it. He must have been told on numerous occasions it wasn't appropriate. It is particularly troubling when the person doing it wields power over others, as in this case. You can have a laugh at work and without having to do this.
It's all about context isn't it? I joke around with my female colleagues and vice versa saying things that we probably shouldn't, however it stays within the group. I wouldn't say that sort of stuff to someone who wasn't 'in on it'.