Kegging after Dry Hopping

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Active Member
Jul 1, 2020
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I’ve just finished kegging 2 Young’s American IPA kits. Absolute nightmare!

I dropped the hops in 2 days ago and they dispersed as they should. However, the brew was like a green porridge this afternoon and it took me ages siphoning it into the barrels through the muslin bag as it was clogging up every litre or less.

I know I could have bagged up the hops before dropping them in, but I’ve read that you don’t get the full benefit from them if you do.

Anyone found a solution to this problem??
Cold crash for a day or two until all the hops drop to the bottom. I also tie the hop sock over the ball float and outline of my pressure fermenter for good measure but doesn't work on its own without the cold crash.