What are you drinking tonight 2024.

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A few beers at one of the best bars I have been to. Farsha Cafe.
Well my bottling which I did the other day. It didn't look right, I really have no idea why I went ahead and bottled itaheadbutt I knew it was 'off' what was I expecting, a miracle! Tipped 28 longnecks. The smell was like malt extract, the one which is sold in tins for making malt loaf or feeding to toddlers.
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The Czech Republic is a country with a long beer tradition.
In addition to the well-known beers from TV adverts, there is a growing number of microbreweries that brew very good beers.
In my glass today is an APA "Desperat" from Pivovar Falkenstejn, Krasna Lipa (CZ).

Rare treat for me having a comparison beer of the clone brew. Both September brews, mine has HBC431 which is described as peach, red fruit and tropical, theirs has Columbus which is herbal and citrus.

Mine has a weird aroma that is hard to name. Kernel has a hop pellet aroma which is also unusual.

Taste is more similar due to the high roast additions. I would have guessed that citrus hops wouldn’t work in porter but really they are both effective flavours.

My beer has a more cheeky bitterness that hits late and makes me smile.
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