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Q: How do you know if someone is vegan?
A: Don’t worry, they’ll tell you within the first 2 minutes of meeting them.

This is a good joke, but it ignores the fact that non-vegans think more about vegans than vegans do, as this thread has demonstrated 😄

A non-vegan
I am not vegan, I eat mostly plant based food but like a bit of venison, occasionally chicken and no intention to give up cheese.

I see a lot of meat eater slagging vegans and find it pretty pathetic! Why get annoyed at them? it is their choice and is doing good for animal wellfare and the planet, the current consumption of meat is not sustainable. It is also a much healthier diet.

I know a few vegans and have never once heard any vegan having a go at meat eaters unless it is in retaliation to a meat eater having a go at them for being vegan, which is something I hear a lot of!

The letter in the original post is very clearly made up as click bait for social media, knowing how meat eaters feel the need to comment on such nonsese (in the same way as people get so upset about EVs....). Even if genuine, it in no way implies all vegans are like this - thats basically how racism works
People have fek all in their lives until they find something to whinge about. :roll:

You wanna hear my neighbours, bleedin noisy coo's mooing all day and night and when the lambs are sold the ewes bleat constantly. Life is hell up here,,, 🤣

What really gets me is when we have a storm and the waves boom non stop. Don't get me started about the wind whining.
I'm minded to write a strongly worded letter to the council to sort it out! or Is it all because I'm mainly a vegetarian?
I dont mind if people don't want us to kill animals for food that is their choice i never eat lamb but eat just about everything else, research is now showing vegans heath is suffering I think most of us knew cutting out meat altogether would have serious side effects.
In my experience it's usually the "vegans"or others to make the first comment.
I have my opinions on various topics and keep them to myself unless asked...I find very opinionated and shouty people who's point they'll only listen to is their own generally like to ask. Then always don't like the response...if you don't like the answer,don't ask.

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