Water Book

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Jun 8, 2011
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Has anyone else read that book? Sheeesh its heavy going. I found the science quite interesting at first, but it soon gets pretty hardcore. Is this totally OTT for a home brewer?

I'd gotten it into my head that treating my tap water would be a good way to make better home brew, but this book feels like its aimed at a brewing chemist for some massive national brewery.

Has anyone else read that book? Sheeesh its heavy going. I found the science quite interesting at first, but it soon gets pretty hardcore. Is this totally OTT for a home brewer?

I'd gotten it into my head that treating my tap water would be a good way to make better home brew, but this book feels like its aimed at a brewing chemist for some massive national brewery.
You're very right! No need for the question mark: You were making a statement of fact.

Only one very minor flaw you made: "this book feels like its aimed at a brewing chemist for some massive national brewery" ... nay, they've been bored to tears with it already, they'd like to get on with some proper work now.

Could I have just read this haha, didn't see that before now - https://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/pages/water-calculator/
Pretty much. Actually, too much! You don't need any of that "Hardness" babble ... it only confuses an otherwise simple subject (i.e. water for brewing beer). But some folk prefer it confused and incomprehensible ... don't know why that is?