What's everyone using for beer storage ?

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How do you store your beer

  • Botte

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Keg

    Votes: 17 27.4%
  • Bottle and Keg

    Votes: 18 29.0%
  • Othert

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
I bottle but have been looking at those oxybars.
Do you just need gas in and a party line to pour it from (if going basic with it?)

I need to check dimensions of my fridge I think as it's only small.

I use a party tap. For serving away from home I use a mini reg and 16gm co2 bulbs, 1 bulb is enough to empty 8ltrs of Lager. If at home I just hook up my Co2 cylinder but have also used a Sodastream bottle.
I use corny kegs, I do have a couple of four litre oxy bars to take the surplus.

I sometimes do a few bottles with various counter pressure devices.

Sometimes a mate calls round with an empty two pint plastic milk bottle for a takeaway.
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On of the things that I wish I'd been told years ago about botling is to buy plastic beer crates. I now have 8 of them.

So much easier than fighting with cardboard boxes all the time. Stack nicely and easily. Hose them down when the get dirty etc. etc. Not expensive either.
I'm still kicking myself.

About 5 years ago, having spent some time collecting them, I gave away 6 crates full of Grolsch bottles.