Anyone else play Beat Sabre or other VR ?

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Feb 16, 2015
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Been meaning to ask this for a while. I got a Quest 2 years ago (possibly 6 ashock1 ) to see if they could be used in a University environment such as virtual reality lectures. Decided they had limited use so it went in a cupboard. Got it back out just before Christmas last year as I thought kids might want to have a go and bought a few games including Beat Sabre. I really enjoyed playing it and realised it is actually good upper body exercise (I do enough running to keep the legs OK) and it really loosens the back and shoulders.

Anyway, as the title, anyone else into it ?
Similarly bought one mostly for the kids several years ago. The don't seem that bothered by it now. My eldest used to play Gorilla Tag with his mates on line but that just seemed to tap into a particular region of his brain and he was wired after playing so it got mothballed.

I wish I would use it myself more, I just don't seem to have enough time for gaming anymore but I wish I did as I miss a good session on the Playstation or whatever. Some of the stuff on the VR looks really cool, I'd like to have a go at the golf simulator one day.
I was a video gamer in my youth (space invaders, galaxian, defender - as soon as I typed defender I could hear its sound effects). In fact I played it so much my mam asked me to look at the back of one of the machines to see who imported them and she bought shares in the company ashock1.

I watched a few of her (Naysy's) videos when I started wanting to play better. She definitely looks better in a dress than me :laugh8: and I don't tend to dance. The missus would probably have something to say if I converted the living room into a VR studio (which a few people do so they can video themselves along with what the headset is showing).

She plays (or at least videos herself playing) at a level where she can complete the ‘map’ with no mistakes. I worked my way up the levels by turning off fail and constantly stretching myself. I now mostly play at the top level. I miss some of the blocks but get a high percentage of them. I’ve got ‘debris’ turned off as having bits of cubes flying all over was too distracting.

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