Found it - you have a choice of Tinseth, Noonan Rager or Garetz. No Wheeler option, I'm afraid.
Found it where?Found it - you have a choice of Tinseth, Noonan Rager or Garetz. No Wheeler option, I'm afraid.
Surely nothing is off topic.
My father shot them as long as I remember. Along with woodcock, snipe, duck. Then fished the rest of the yearView attachment 56897
In that case..look at these pheasants that were in the field last night when I was fishing...
I couldn't tell you samale, cos im not the pheasant plucker. I'm the pheasant pluckers son. I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant plucker comes.Strange question but are they a stupid bird. In a sense most are farm reared then released.
The trouble with posting on a forum is that it's easy to misread someone's tone.
Equally your own comments can be perceived the wrong way.
I ignored what I took to be a slightly sarky comment recently ( yes I chill my Proper Job)
just thinking to myself 'what a knobhead'.
The good advice and community spirit far outweighs any spikiness you may encounter in my view.
Whoops, I think I resemble that comment!
Sorry, I probably meant it to be more humourous than sarcastic.
I got that wrong, didn't I? - I do that sometimes, apologies are offered for any beer handling/appreciation insult felt.
Not my intention I can assure you. So the 'what a knobhead' for that question is fully deserved, I can see now I think about it.
To paraphrase old advice, I should " engage brain before clicking 'Post reply' ",
taking prior note would probably saved me from this embarassing admission.
I hope that hasn't soured any future interaction.
Each to their own, as this thread topic amply describes.
To confess, I have intentionally cooled red wine to drink from time to time!
All the best in brewing,
They're as daft as a brush as far as I can tell. We had one walk up to our patio doors and pick a fight with its own reflection.Strange question but are they a stupid bird. In a sense most are farm reared then released.
Biggest reason I have always maintained to not throw questions out on a forum. There are informative books to be had, and lots of excellent advice on the internet. As long as you forego those who are using it as an advertising medium. Your own Timothy O'Rourke gives excellent advice throughout the brewing process. By all means ask your questions but be prepared to receive both good and poor advice and don't take to heart replies you find offensive.I have received a lot of helpful advice, both directly and indirectly, on this forum over the past 18 months or so, and I owe a lot to my fellow members for this. It really has helped me out as I have got stuck in to my homebrewing.
I am trying to not be critical of others in the way this comes across - hopefully it shall be taken as wel-meaningl and not upset anyone.
It may be that what I am seeing has always happened (in fact, I am sure it has), but I am just noticing it more. A real bugbear of mine of late has been other people dismissing the experience and preferences of others as though what they're doing is pointless, daft, or a waste of money (or indeed all three). We all brew in different ways, on different budgets, using different equipment for reasons that suit us as individual brewers. Particularly when it comes to new brewers, I feel we have a duty not to simply imply our way is best and everyone else is silly, but to provide information which can be used by the person inquiring to make the choice that fits their requirements profile (as in, time, space, budget, desired result). I have found myself of late feeling like if I even mention I just bought a Brewzilla, that I have to justify my reason for it before someone comes back and says something along the lines of "What a waste of money, my setup cost £50 and I make great beer". The same goes for process preferences. For example, some use liquid yeast and love it, some prefer dry for different reasons. Some like to whirlpool, others don't. Some use tap water, some bottled, some RO.
Some like to bottle exclusively, others like to spend more on kegging? Great, you may have bottled for 30 years and always had great beer. If someone else wants to spend £300 on a keg set-up (I know, I know, it'll always end up more than £300 by the time you've bought 10 more kegs, a maxicooler, a gold-plated beer font...), let them do it, and let them enjoy it without being dismissive of it.
When I was first trained as a software tester, the first thing to learn is that it was not my job to say "this product is not good enough" or "this cannot be released" or "it's rubbish", rather my role was to provide information so that those who needed to make the decision could do so with the information I had provided them.
Similarly in life more generally, some people tend to spend all their money on cars. To me, buying a car is like buying toilet paper - I do it because I have to and I don't get excited by it. That said, just because I am not in to cars, I can see why some poeple are, and why they like to spend their money on them. I don't poo-poo them for it just because I am happy with my £700 '07 plate Vauxhall Astra that gets me from one place to another in a way that suits me.
So in summary, can we please be understanding of our differences and not make eachother out to be weird just because we are all different? (<--Whilst I am talking there about homebrewing, perhaps apply to life too.)
It would be a shame if we could not ask questions on this forum, I don't really see as it being any more or less likely to invite unhelpful advice than if one makes any other kind of post.Biggest reason I have always maintained to not throw questions out on a forum. There are informative books to be had, and lots of excellent advice on the internet. As long as you forego those who are using it as an advertising medium. Your own Timothy O'Rourke gives excellent advice throughout the brewing process. By all means ask your questions but be prepared to receive both good and poor advice and don't take to heart replies you find offensive.
I agree, and something being in a book doesn't make it definitive or necessarily correct. We also need to recognise that just because one answer is correct it doesn't mean others aren't also correct. For every solution there will be a range of solutions, or perhaps only least worst ones for those more wicked type concerns. Oh there's also always the @The-Engineer-That-Brews or @Buffers brewery solutions which make brewing sometimes look like an extreme sportIt would be a shame if we could not ask questions on this forum, I don't really see as it being any more or less likely to invite unhelpful advice than if one makes any other kind of post.
I agree, and something being in a book doesn't make it definitive or necessarily correct. We also need to recognise that just because one answer is correct it doesn't mean others aren't also correct. For every solution there will be a range of solutions, or perhaps only least worst ones for those more wicked type concerns. Oh there's also always the @The-Engineer-That-Brews or @Buffers brewery solutions which make brewing sometimes look like an extreme sport.
It would be a shame if we could not ask questions on this forum,
I don't really see as it being any more or less likely to invite unhelpful advice than if one makes any other kind of post.
My point was that an OP does not have to be a question, it could be a recipe, a suggestion or a statement and are as likely to attract an unhelpful response as a question. Stopping asking questions is not the answer.I don't think people post unhelpful advice on purpose they post their answer to your question which may differ from other members views and your own.
especially like the clever lot who make stuff with electric and computers
As you can see I didn't say don't ask questions, myself personally I wouldn't, far easier to look up and get the right answer first time. As mentioned there is a wealth of information on line Timothy O'Rourke Master Brewer, Charlie Bamforth, along with many others address lots of questions about brewing. Not like they are hard to find. Just makes learning a lot less confusing than sorting through the "I've been doing it this way for years" replies. Nail the answer to the question first time.Biggest reason I have always maintained to not throw questions out on a forum. There are informative books to be had, and lots of excellent advice on the internet. As long as you forego those who are using it as an advertising medium. Your own Timothy O'Rourke gives excellent advice throughout the brewing process. By all means ask your questions but be prepared to receive both good and poor advice and don't take to heart replies you find offensive.