What are you drinking tonight 2021?

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BiL subscribed, to a few others as well but since cancelled.
I have a really good beer shop practically on the doorstep so no need to get deliveries.
But, I like the idea of random selections because I'll go in said shop and buy schlenkerla, any sam smiths or st Augustine helles and not really branch out to fancy cans.
I’m blessed with a great beer supplier just up the road too. But I really enjoy the monthly lucky dip that B52 offers. Belgium month in particular was worth a years subscription in its own right.
Been a while since I've had the beer that started Martin and James on their Brewdog journey and it's a pretty damn nice beer
I have my clone in the fridge waiting. Hard act to follow a 12% pastry stout!

I really need to get one to compare against mine.

It was a go to for the missus in a particular pub back in the courting days, while I was still on wheat beers (my gateway to ale).
First of the night for me is @Hopsteep tribute style English pale

Pours a golden orange with light carbonation as per style
Sweet malt with some floral and citrus aroma.
This is an easy drinking beer, don't have any details on it. Very enjoyable not very experienced on tribute so I can't judge how closely it compares.
Great beer to start the night. Happy Friday men 😉

Kicking back with an American amber ale from the barrel after a stressful cross country drive home
on friday bank holiday weekend o_O - day 33 and definitely one to brew again ! :beer1:

You’ve put me in the mood for one. Time to take a break from shop bought and take a trip to the garage one of my own.
First pour of my White IPA hopped with Talus & Mandarina fermented with WLP 400 Belgian Wit. Yeast character is very subtle and the hops give lots of citrus flavours which dominated by the grapefruit flavours from Talus..I like it..good level of bitterness, dry finish with citrus. Think the yeast character might come through a little as the hops mellow.
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That sounds good. Fancy a swap for my Talus pale?
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Aldi special, £1.49 ish. Can says pineapple, mango, low bitterness and soft mouthfeel. I'd agree with that.

NEIPAs are not my big thing, but I'd want more of a fuller mouthfeel. Saying that, it could be taste tested against a similar beer from a local craft brewery that specialises in hipster juice; and I would probably struggle to pick them out.
That doesn't look right
Been slowly sipping a few beers and finally picked up my phone to post about one.

This as been the best of tonight's guest beers.


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