Your plans for the year...

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Must admit I don't really have any concrete plans at the moment, more just things I would like to do.

I'm pretty much the sole drinker of my homebrew and I currently have around 160 pints to get through lol.

If I get a chance I would like to do the following though...

Grolsch Extract Clone
Coopers Stout (again with some changes)
Coopers Ginger Beer (This one surprised me so I would like to do it again with some changes)
Another 30 bottle wine kit (10 bottles left with a full kit waiting to be bottled, as soon as it's done I'll be starting another)
Straight Up Turbo Cider (Just got a batch on the go but it's so good it'll not last long)
I think Exmoor Gold is a very under-rated beer. My notes show that the brew did not last long and was soon supped.
Baldbrewer said:
This year in the Baldbrewer calendar:

1,Go bigger and stainless.
2,Keep a regular brew of weissbier going whilst waiting for other brews to mature without getting stuck into them!
3,Cultivate more yeasties.
4, Make a brew using local wild hops I found just too late last year.
5, Try and enter some brewing competitions.
6, Brew some lager types, ipa's and attempt a triple decoction!
6,Discover a way of manipulating time so I can brew more!


Exactly wat I was thinkin
I want to get into extract, then BIAB brewing, but need a boiler, which I can't afford right now :cry:

In the meantime I'm trying to build up a nice stash - got about 120 bottles in various stages of drinking/conditioning, plus two FVs on the go.
I hope to get somrthing on each week. Having just started I find something I fancy trying every day

A mead would be nice to get on,
some wines made from fresh fruit rather than kits or bottles juices
And some more beer kits, maybe leading towards extract brewing or all grain depending on what kit shows its self to me
The only exceptional beer I want to brew is a variation on 1909 Maclay's OMS recipe, as published by Ron Pattinson and Kristen England. I plan to brew this as my 100th brew, somewhere in May/June.

Other than that just usual repertoire: PA, milds, bitters, stouts, porters, weizens, something Belgian, buckwheat and rye specialities. Then some lagers in December.
My first target is to do my first AG using BIAB. Probably going to do the Jennings Cocker Hoop clone from Graham Wheeler's book for this. Then try a couple more clones from the book before developing my own recipes.
my aims are to clear enough room in the garage that I can have bottled/kegged beer safely stored away and the Boiler and associated stuff set up in situ.

Easy way would be to flog the trailer that occupies half the garage, but whilst i dont even have a tow-bar any more, I just feel that the trailer is a really useful thing that I would regret getting rid of.

Naturally the main aim is to make sure the family arrive into 2014 in good health and state of mind :pray:
I have a few hundred grammes of Amarillo hops that have come through the post anmd I'd like to make more beer using them, I'm a bit of a fan of Amarillo.

I've currently got a lager sitting on the cold concrete floor under the stairs, hopefully that'll turn out well.

Apart from "Make More Beer", I'm going to restart my wine making exploits.

SWMBO has decided to grow peas this year, so it would be a waste to throw those pea pods away. I'll be thinking of a young Felicity Kendal while making peapod burgandy :twisted:

We are overrun with stinging nettles on the footpath at the back of my house, so I'll try a nettle wine.

The lawn always has dandelions growing in it, so a dandelion wine.

And the woods next to me are full of brambles, blackberry wine in the autumn

I also have a kit wine that needs to be put on before it goes out of date :|
Start brewing full mash again following moving house 3 years ago. The Shed has now got a brewery stand home made out of wood. The cold water feed is just about sorted bar a small leak in the T splitting the mains water in into the hlt and tap to give cold tap and also input into the plate chiller. I need to sort the gas hose pipe going from gas bottle (already replaced after someone steeling my old propane bottle) and gas burners inside the shed (again already got from old house) as the old hose is fraded, I then need to sort the Electrics out as shed about 20 metres away from main house, hook some lights up. Then finish plumbing everything together before I can use it to brew beer with again. Before cn really start I have an diploma exam coming up for work that's eating my free time.
I would also like to make some mead and birch sap wine. As well as British and forgine ales with the new terms brewery and do step mashes etc
Thanks Andy

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