Youngs Harvest Bitter

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Mar 20, 2013
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i picked up a youngs harvest kit today cheap. not sure if i should use a Beerkit enhancer or 1kg of dme? if i use dme what one should i use?

i will brew it short any way

with thanks

This is next on my list as I got a cheap one too so I'll also be interested to know :thumb:
Think I'm just going to brew this with 1kg brewing sugar as I have that to hand, 1st time using just brewing sugar in a kit. I don't have high hopes for the kit anyway, hopefully turns out half decent :D

Have you brewed this yet?
In hindsight I'd go for the full kg of DME.
I brewed the harvest mild and it was fine but could have benefited from more body and flavour, I brewed it with a kg of dextrose and 250g of extra dark DME.
I've currently got a harvest bitter and Yorkshire bitter kit brewing like a two can kit in a FV although I'm not sure how that one will turn out.
got 1/2kg of dme today so im not to use if to go 50/50 but its going to wait as iv got a fv of stout and out of bottles
Cheers, be interested to hear how you get on with the 2 can kit experiment as I have both too :thumb:
Sone said:
Cheers, be interested to hear how you get on with the 2 can kit experiment as I have both too :thumb:
Down to 1014 with about 10 in the FV.
Plan on leaving it in until at least Sunday.
The malty smell seems to have dissipated but it is quite bitter.
I think this one is going to be bottled and put away for the autumn to see if the bitterness mellows.
Interesting, was thinking it may end up being quite bitter, hopefully mellows out over time :thumb:

Decided I'm going to go 500g brewing sugar with 500g medium spray malt for the bitter.
ordered some williamette and goldings hop pellets not sure what to use when i get round to brewing it
Just done this to 20l with 1kg brewing sugar and 500g medium spray malt, hopefully turns out half decent!