Youngs Brewbuddy Cider, how strong?

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
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The instructions state 40 pints of 5% cider, add 1kg sugar.
32 pints 7% cider, and 1.25kg sugar.

Would the yeast sustain 40 pints with 1.25 kg sugar? and what % would it be?

Could I use this yeast ... ec1118.asp

As you can probably tell, I want to see how strong I can get my cider for an experiment.

Do kit yeasts have a tolerance level, so that they wont make it stronger than it states on the tin?

Also will the yeast on the link be OK for larger, and bitter kits?

You can make a 24% 'cider' If you really want to using the Turbo yeasts and gallons of sugar . . . or even using two or three kits and making 40 pints. . . . but it won't be 'nice' . . . it'll contain a load of alcohol and get you ****** quickly . . . if that is your judge of quality then you can achieve it . . . but it really would be better to make something that you can enjoy.

Making a kit up to 40 pints and adding an extra 250g of sugar will make a cider that is not as strong as the 32pint with 1.25Kg of sugar . . . I'd estimate at 5.5% . . . the remaining alcohol comes from the concentrated apple job in the kit

One of the best ways to improve a cider kit is to use apple juice in place of the sugar . . . Tescos juice contains 110g per Litre so using 10L of apple juice instead of the 1Kg of sugar and some of the water, will make a 5% cider with a real appley taste
OK, where do a lay my hands on these 'turbo' yeasts? Is the one in the link one?
Would a kit yeast not suffice?
If I add another kit, would I need to add 2 sachets of yeast?

Schnell88 said:
OK, where do a lay my hands on these 'turbo' yeasts?
Hop and grape 1
Hop and Grape 2
Schnell88 said:
Is the one in the link one?
No, that is just an ordinary Champagne yeast . . Ok so it reaches 21% but with careful management ;)
Schnell88 said:
Would a kit yeast not suffice?
. . . no would probably poop out at around 10-12%
Schnell88 said:
If I add another kit, would I need to add 2 sachets of yeast?
If you use the wine yeasts then no as they are happy working with that concentration of sugar . . . if you use a cider yeast then yes you will want to use more yeast as the amount of sugar increases