After 2 weeks of fermenting I transferred via the fv tap to the Youngs Ubrew 'pressurised' :lol: cask, all bar four pints of sludge. After conditioning in the dining room for two weeks it now tastes delicious and is only slightly cloudy. This morning I have moved it to the garage where I hope it will continue to improve.
As regards Youngs Ubrew kit - what a load of utter rubbish!

the FV has very leaky lid, to which, I had to apply loads of sellotape in order to get the CO to go thru the bubbler.
The 'pressurised' :rofl:cask tap leaks from the tap that came with it. This is the so-called improved design (the one with the two black o-rings) there is a big gap between the cylinder part that connects to the cask and the moving tap part.
When the holes line up - obviously fluid comes out and when the holes aren't lined up the 'fit' has to be tight enough that allows the tap to turn but does not allow fluid to creep round to the opening in the tap. The 'new' design has two o-rings above and below the opening in the tap part but the fit is very loose and surprise surprise it leaks - a lot!
So I went back to ye olde brew shoppe and they kindly gave me a replacement in the 'old' design which is much better but only stops leaking when the tap is in its sweet-spot.
The other problem is with the cap, the main seal for the cap is fine as long as one uses vaseline. The seal between the injector valve and the cap leaks if you over-tighten as the rubber washer distorts. So I stop tightening when the washer starts to distort - BUT it's not enough to keep the gas from leaking out. Also, when CO is injected, it comes out at minus 200 degrees causing the washer to shrink and go rock hard - result; loss of pressure - DOH!
There's more, oh yes. The pressure relief 'valve' is a clear silicon band covering a small hole in the side of the injector, this also seems to suffer the same problem. The cask is rated at 1 bar (15psi) yes I fitted a pressure guage - which doesn't leak! The problem is, it only holds pressure at 1/2 bar (7psi) - NOOOO!!. No wonder my brew is flat :cry: