Morning all,
With the stirpale and mason jars etc.
I had a couple of Amstel bottles that have a good yeast in the bottle.
So today I learning and putting the research to good use.
The stir plate has been balance for now lol
And it's washing the yeast!
A boiled mason jar with hot water is cooling as we speak.
Prob another wash then a smaller jar, keeping it till I have another lager brew.
Now it's time to work out the days before making the right size of starter...not mean task for me with my brain!! So ready to get the Bri's usual questions
I don't know if it's going to be a usual 23l batch!
But in my mind there's going to be some growing of the yeast b4 I can pitch that size...
One thing I'm not sure..I know a starter has fresh yeast!!....but what about the yeast that I've harvested?
Use that yeast...a bit confused? So I'll stop there and wait to get confirmation lol
Later, I'm off to buy a couple of small mason jars...prob aquire a wine kit to keep me