Yeast ranching

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Jul 28, 2008
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I've been spending some time finding out about this. With a little work i think it can be done adequately within a home brewery. If you have the inclination to do so. Which i have.

I have managed to source some equipment and am awaiting it's arrival. I'm going to do a test run and then i'll post a detailed description of how i did it along with pic's.
Basically i'm only doing this so i can store some yeast that i like but don't use often. It is a good way to store yeast without having loads of jar's or the like taking up a whole fridge.

A link about agar...
It's fairly complex but gives a good detailed description.
It might be worth investing in a pressure cooker as a standard boil may not give the level of sterilization needed
Good point OB. I'm a bit nervous of pressure cookers-i had one explode about 15 years ago and have been avoiding them ever since. Hopefully they are a bit more reliable nowadays.
MEB said:
i had one explode about 15 years ago and have been avoiding them ever since. Hopefully they are a bit more reliable nowadays.

God I hope so to :eek:

One advantage of work in a lab I have access to some nice autoclave
mmm. My British Cask got infected and has been binned :evil: Going over my notes the only thing i seemed to not have sterilised was the scissors i used to cut open the smack pack. So with my Thames Valley i sterilised the scissors and gave my hands a good wash in a thin bleach solution and then a light rinse. It's now been in the DJ for 3 days and looks and smells like it should. :D
I'm getting myself a pressure cooker today-whats the procedure for sterilising stuff in a pressure cooker? Saying that, i wonder if there are any autoclave for sale on trade me/fleabay? :hmm:
Place things in pressure cooker with lids loosely on . . . Put lid on, and bring to boiling, allow to boil for a minute or so, then add the weights . . . bring up to pressure and then cook for 15 minutes . . . turn off heat . . . allow to cool, once pressure has dropped remove lid and tighten lids of things you put in there.
. . . Job Done
Are the weights just to stop the items from bumping around in the PC Aleman?
Sorry my pressure cooker, has weights that you put on, the steam outlet to set the pressure you want to use . . . 15lb for 15 minutes which is equivalent to 121C.

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