Hi Guys,
I brewed up a recipe from the Greg's brewing bible (American Wheat Beer) yesterday and used the suggested Wyeast 1010 strain which I made a 1litre stater with on Saturday.
Anyway, At the bottom of the page was a 'Brewers Tip = To increase the fruit flavors from the yeast, try fermenting the brew at the warmer temperature of 22degrees.
With this in mind, I popped over to the misses granddads house which is like a sauna all year round and placed it in his spare bathroom - Temp about 22-24 tops. Well today I went to check and it has gone bazurk! blown a fermentation lock so I changed it over to a blow off tube and its going nuts glugging away...
Anyway out of curiosity, I googled Wyeast 1010 fermentation temp and annoyingly, most brewers state to keep it under 21!
Any suggestions, should I bring it back to my place which is about 18degrees?
I brewed up a recipe from the Greg's brewing bible (American Wheat Beer) yesterday and used the suggested Wyeast 1010 strain which I made a 1litre stater with on Saturday.
Anyway, At the bottom of the page was a 'Brewers Tip = To increase the fruit flavors from the yeast, try fermenting the brew at the warmer temperature of 22degrees.
With this in mind, I popped over to the misses granddads house which is like a sauna all year round and placed it in his spare bathroom - Temp about 22-24 tops. Well today I went to check and it has gone bazurk! blown a fermentation lock so I changed it over to a blow off tube and its going nuts glugging away...
Anyway out of curiosity, I googled Wyeast 1010 fermentation temp and annoyingly, most brewers state to keep it under 21!
Any suggestions, should I bring it back to my place which is about 18degrees?