Wow, how things have changed in 20 years. I followed the Wherry kit instructions, but threw a big handful (75g) of Goldings hops in the when fermentation was complete and left it for a few days before I bottled it. The beer has finished its secondary fermentation and has started to clear. It's still a bit cloudy, but I just had to try it. I am very, very pleased with the result. Astonishing aroma, perhaps a bit too hoppy for some tastes; especially considering the low alcohol content (I worked the ABV out at 3.5%). The extra hops have given the beer a mild anaesthetic quality - my mouth was slightly numb after the first pint and the wonderful flavour lingered for ages. The wherry knocks the spots off anything I have brewed in the past - thank heavens. I don't know what to try next. Are all modern kits as good as this?