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Sep 12, 2011
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...what with all the run up to the little 'un's birthday then Christmas 4 days later, I have been flat out baking and prepping and cooking and freezing and icing cakes and making stuff...


I know I've only done two brewdays so far but seriously, it's going to be between Christmas and new year before I have time to get another brew on and that is making me twitchy...!

*stands up and looks sheepishly round the room*

"My name is Calum and I'm a brewing addict..."
Pah! you think you've got it bad? I've not even done my first brew yet and the waiting is killing me. :x

I got the shakes real bad...

Was going to go to lhbs today to pick up grains but the prices are twice as much as malt miller! Looks like i'm guna have to save up for another few weeks so that i can buy a 25Kg bag of MO and get my first brew on sometime in the new year. :(

So much for being the last to cross over to the dark side in 2012. Looks like i'll just have to be the first in 2013! :D
Why not just buy a kilo of MO, 100g of hops and do a 1 gallon SMaSH to get yourself going LB?

I'm all out of hops, so am waiting for MM vouchers for crimbo, but as soon as they arrive I'll be ordering, mashing, sparging and boiling again..whoohoo! :party:
12 days off for christmas :party: , Perfect time for a summer lightning brew? or a Jaipur clone ? :hmm:
thoughts please peep's on a late spring/summer beer? is now too early to brew?

Happy christmas to you and yours :cheers:
There's a lot of us in the same boat... :? I've got all the grain & hops I need to do about 5 or 6 brews, but not had the time of late. Now the new shed is up and all the garden crap that was stored in the brew house is now in the shed.....I WILL BE BREWING OVER THE HOLIDAY.

Hope the swmbo hears that.
Baldbrewer said:
12 days off for christmas :party: , Perfect time for a summer lightning brew? or a Jaipur clone ? :hmm:
thoughts please peep's on a late spring/summer beer? is now too early to brew?

Happy christmas to you and yours :cheers:

No winter I find is the perfect time to brew a summer brew and conversely summer for winter brews. Thats how my brewing calender works :thumb: :thumb:
I've just done a summer blonde ale and planning a summer fruity wheat beer experiment for my next brew.

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