Witbier - which wheat?

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Jul 27, 2020
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St Albans, Herts
Planning my first attempt at a witbier in the next few days... I was going to follow the recipe in the GH 'Bible', which has 50/50 Pale Malt and Wheat Malt (and a bit of coriander and bitter orange peel).
However I've just read that a Witbier should traditionally use UNMALTED wheat.

Hmmm. OK... I don't have un-malted wheat, but I do have torrified; and I also have Rolled Oats.

What do you reckon people?
  1. stick with the recipe
  2. use torrified
  3. use rolled oats
  4. delay the brew and get some un-malted wheat
Unmalted is traditional, but I use a mix of malted and unmalted flaked wheat, and some flaked oats and works well for me.

Torrified is unmalted, but perhaps has a different flavour to flaked? Do you have a whole foods shop near you that may stock wheat flakes?
I do
Unmalted is traditional, but I use a mix of malted and unmalted flaked wheat, and some flaked oats and works well for me.

Torrified is unmalted, but perhaps has a different flavour to flaked? Do you have a whole foods shop near you that may stock wheat flakes?
Just checked... yes, I do - but tbh their wheat flakes look like they have been torrified

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 18.04.49.png
That's what I use.

TMM used to sell raw wheat (neither malted nor gelatinsed) specifically for Belgian beers but they seem to be out of stock.

Flaked is a good balance between flavour and functionality (no cereal mash needed) for me.
That’s one of my bugbears with the Greg Hughes book - he used wheat malt in his witbier!

I always use unmalted and it depends what is available whether I use flaked or torrefied - I don’t see a massive difference in the end product to be honest.

I usually chuck in 250g-500g of porridge oats as well.
Wheat has a more earthy flavour, you can taste it. Malted is much more vague.

Do you have a farm near you that grows wheat? A sack will be about a £6. Or maybe even a few beers 👍🏻
Another thought malted wheat will be safer. For some reason unbeknown to me, raw wheat is very good at souring.

I think it is something on the husk, but can't be sure.
Good recipe that, I've always used malted wheat and it comes out fine.

In fact you've just prompted me to make it again.
I just had a vision of sitting in the garden this Summer, grass mown, blazing hot sun and having a cold, refreshing Witbier… I need to get this brew on!
Ok, I have that vision now as well... I need to order some wheat. What did you decide to go with in the end?
Right now I'd just settle for a bit of warm sunshine, @AG

Thanks to everyone for the advice re the grains... I think I'm going to use the malted wheat this time (because I've got it) but also chuck in some oats athumb..

I was going to do the Witbier last w/e, but I ended up having to do a full clean-down after Saturday's issues so I had a 'day off' on Sun.
Now planning it for tomorrow or Thurs:

23L batch (16.15 mash water, 16.5 sparge):
  • 2.1kg pale ale (Dingemans)
  • 2.1kg wheat malt (Simpsons)
  • 0.25kg rolled oats
  • 30g Saaz (4.2%) @70
  • half a protafloc @15
  • 25g coriander seed @10
  • 25g bitter orange peel @10
55x15, 63x30, 68x40, 75x10

Lalbrew 'Belgian-style Wit' at 22 Deg (re-pitched)

Aiming for about 1.045... bring on the Summer! :cool:
I will be brewing a Wit in the next couple of weeks using flaked wheat ,this is the third time of brewing one, and this time i am upping the the coriander and bitter orange peel to 40g as the last two brews have been a little underwhelming on these flavours . As for yeast i am using WHC Banana Split at the lower end of its scale as it is said to be also good for Belgium White beers .

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